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Billy put his hands on my face and mushed it all up.

“You suck.” He said

“Come on Billy, she didn’t mean to.” Benji tried to calm billy down.

“She lost my guitar pick. This is serious.” He claimed throwing his hands in the air, glaring at me.

“Billy,” I said, after reaching into my pocket. “I didn’t.” He turned around.

“You found it! Riley! I love you!” Once again, he mushed up my face, but this time he kissed me.

“Yeah, I love you, too.” I wiped my face and looked at Billy in disgust.

“You are the most amazing girl I have ever met! You found it!” Billy trailed off.

“Uhhh. No more drinks for Billy.” Joel said. “Dude, that wasn’t even the same guitar pick, that was my guitar pick. They are practically identical.” I beamed. I was pretty proud of my scheme.

“Why are we so excited over a guitar pick?” Paul asked.

“Because Benji didn’t take his Ritilin, that’s why.” I said

“Wait, what? I don’t even take Ritilin.” Benji whimpered.

“Hence, our problem.” I giggled, Benji punched me. I pretended to cry and went and sat on Joel’s lap. Joel put his hand on my knee and kissed my arm.

“Thank you, all better.” I felt like such a baby with these guys, they were like my brothers. Except Benji, he was anything but my brother.

Benji winked at me. I got off of Joel’s lap and sat on Benji’s. We were forehead to forehead, looking into each other’s eyes. We kissed. As I expected, Paul threw a pillow at us.

“None of that, you two, get a room.” Joel said.

“Gladly.” I said and we proceeded to go to our hotel room.

When we came back, after a few hours, Joel gave us the usual.

“Dude, we could hear you two in here!’ He claimed.

“Hear us what?” I asked innocently. Paul started hitting the wall and he made a high pitched moaning sound.

“I’m not that loud.” I said

“I was talking about Benji.” Paul said. I laughed and nodded in agreement.

“I don’t think that’s funny.” Benji said flatly.

“Back on the bus, off to L.A.” Billy warned. We gathered up our already packed bags and walked down to the bus.

Over the next few weeks, Good Charlotte played in Denver, Salt Lake, Las Vegas, Phoenix and Dallas. Over the next few weeks, I started feeling a little bit out of it.

“What’s wrong, babe” Benji asked me, sitting down by my feet after a show one night.

“A headache, and my stomach is kind of upset, im just tired.” I said. I felt like that for about a month and a half. After that I felt fine and very energetic.

“Looks like you got a second wind Riley, im glad you are feeling well.” Benji said. All of the guys had noticed a big change in me. Then, I crashed again. I was throwing up every morning and I couldn’t keep anything down. I felt terrible and tired and sore.

On one of my better days, I was getting dressed and I noticed that my hips were a little bit bigger along with my breasts. I had put on about 8 pounds. Oh well, I still look fine.

“I don’t want to say anything, Riley. But im kind of worried about you.” Billy told me one night. “Don’t take this offensively, but, you have been getting really sick, and you have gained some weight. Do you think you might be pregnant?” He asked

“I...Well....I hadn’t thought of that.” I traced back the past few months. No period. “Billy, I think I am. I...I haven’t had my period in 3 months.” I stared blankly at him, and a single tear ran down my face. He hugged me and benji walked in, I looked at Billy, how would benji handle it. He gave a quick shake of the head before Benji could notice.

“What’s wrong, what happened?” He asked

“Her grandmother died. She doesn’t want to talk about it.” Billy said. Obviously Benji wouldn’t take it well.

“Could you guys, just...leave me?” I asked.

They left the room, and five minutes later, Billy came back in. I wanted him to.

“He isn’t going to take this well? What am I supposed to do?” I asked.

“Tell him after the last show. That is in a week. Ok? I know it has to be hard, but try and pull through Ri, just, don’t put any pressure on him right now.”

I didn’t sleep well that night. Paul came in at four in the morning.”

“Ok, Joel and I know now, we kind of suspected it. And I bought you something.” It was a pregnancy test. “Just to be sure.”

I did it.

“I am.” I said. I wasn’t taking it as badly as before. “Paul, thank you.” I said and he hugged me and left the room.

The week went by slowly. Every second was an hour. Finally, the last show came and went. It was time. Everybody was in the room. I motioned all of them to leave.

“No, Benji. Not you.” I said.”I have something to say.” He looked at me curiously. “I’m pregnant.”
