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The Incredible Shrinking Woman

My name is Julie and I am 29 years old.  I have a Masters degree in Social Work and work as a clinician.  I live in sunny Tucson, Arizona with my wonderful husband of 3 1/2 years, Dave.  We do not have any human children at this time, but do have two dog children, our goofy Springer Spaniels, Murry and Angus. 

I have been struggling with my weight since I was a child.  9 years old to be exact, which was when I went on my first diet.  I can remember all of the strange and unusual diets I have been on, from eating only fruit and rice, to the cabbage soup diet, to different diet center diets, eating freeze dried food, counting points, counting fat grams, counting carbohydrates.  How many of us have peed on strips of paper just hoping the stupid things would change into a different shade of purple?  Who remembers those little tiny scales to measure the generous 4 oz portion of broiled chicken?  Does any of this sound familiar?  The only thing I really ever counted was the f***ing numbers on the scale go up...up.....up.....until one day, I had enough.  Enough of my body, enough of the fighting, just plain enough.  I was tired....tired of a lot of things.  I had been contemplating weight loss surgery for almost 1 year before I seriously decided to look into it. I did research on the internet into different programs and surgeons.  My husband and I went to an informational seminar and I immediately knew I was ready for this and scheduled a consult with the surgeon. 

My journey began in August 2003 following my consultation at the WISH Center in Tempe, Arizona. 
My surgery is scheduled for November 3, 2003.  This will be the first day of the rest of my life.

Pre-Op Photos | Post-Op Photos | Measurements | My Dogs  | My Family & Friends

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