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Saturday June 28, 2003

oOHh MANn..WHAT CAN I POSSiBLY SAY ABOUT TODAY?! Today was one of the !!ULTiMATE!! days that I've ever had! Mann ohh mann where to begin!? OK! Lets start with this morning: Jay comes over to my house around 9:30ish and then we chill there for a while. Aroudn 10:15ish we leave my house and go to the gazeebo (our kick it spot) and chill there for a while. I love chillin with my babe =) We were suppose to pick up REN but then since we were talking we were late to picking her up so she just got a ride with marco. SORRY REN! So Jay brings me to Leslie BobO's pad around 12ish to meet up with some of the SHATTEREDiMAGE headz SO i parted from my babes ='( and joined the rest of the group. We waited for the twins to get to leslies pad, then once they got there we left to go to the YMCA teen center. Once we got there, there was this white kid (no offense) that was trying so hard to grab our attention. To be honest: HE JUST MADE HIMSELF LoOK STUPiD...HARDCORE haha. yeah we performed and afterwards was served with FREE SNOWCONES and PAT&OSCARS BREADSTiCcs! yUmmm dOode.After we ate we decided to surprise MELiSSA since she couldn't come with us today. So before we went to Miramar where Melissa was at, we got gas first. ME, LES, AND JOYCE SLUG BUGGED RENEE! ONE AFTER THE OTHER! LOLZ! After getting gas, we went to the base where Melissa dearest was at. Once we got there, she saw the RED MATRiX & GREEN HONDA CiViC come in. I saw her face from far away and i already knew what she was saying, "OHHH MY GAWWD!!" LOLZ!! mAnn do i Know you tOo well or wHut!? So we all ran up to her and did all the huggy-huggy kissy-kissy stuff that we always do because we love eachother hehe. We played with the basketball for a while, chilled with their cousins, met some more of their cousins, then decided to leave to drop off PAUL at work and go to bellmont park.OK, SEE HERE'S WHERE iT GETS KiNDA CRAZY!!! We took the long way there and Joyce had to use the potty really really bad. So we got there and Joyce and I ran out of the car and straight to the bathroom. We met up with Ren, Ty, and Les after using the bathroom. While we were waiting for Pat and Marco to find parking we decided to go to the beach. Since Ren and I were the only ones wearing FLiP FLOPZ we went on the sand and got really close to the water. Whenever the water would be near us or coming REALLY CLOSE towards us, we would run away. HEYYY SOUNDS STUPiD BUT iT WAS FUNN MAN! We get out of that area and find Marco and Pat. We walk around Bellmont and look in stores and arcades where Ty, Joyce and Ren rode a little kiddie ride for 50 cents haha.We wanted to go on the Rollercoaster but we didn't think that we would have enough money to get on so bOo hOo...
We took a break and ate the fatty goods such as French Fries, Onion Rings, and Ice Cream haha. Me, Joyce, and Ren found a stage to play and dance around on and we tried to blend in with the background hehe. We got up and started walking again and then the next thing you know, JOYCE TRiPS! Because Joyce trips MARCO TRIPS OVER HER then TY TRIPS OVER MARCO, then I TRIP OVER HER! All that cause of FREAKING JOYCE hahah DOMiNOS dOoDE! We walked around for a litttle bit more, and then decided to go to the beach!! This is that one part of the day that I still can't believe that we did! OK, me, Ty, Ren, and Joyce started off just running away from the water when it comes and avoid getting our clothes wet. But one thing led to another i guess! The bottom of my pants end up getting kinda wet and so does Ren, Joyce and Ty's pants. Joyce had this crazy idea ti just run in the water with our clothes on!! So we were all like "are you fucking serious?!" I was having my doubt at first because i wasn't sure if I wanted to. iONo why, but when these words came out of Joyces mouth it just inspired me to just go for it: "JUST DO IT TIN, WE ONLY GET TO LiVE ONCE. THIS MiGHT BE THE ONLY TIME WE GET TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS" When i heard that i took my bracelettes off and all my other accessories and stood with Joyce, Ty, and Ren waiting for the wave to come so we can run towards it. Once it came, We ran our asses and got SOAKED We played so much in the water and it was all just sOo fuCcin crazy!!
There was this one point when this big ass wave was coming towards us. Joyce was deeper into the water than we were (me, ty,ren). Since joyce was further than we were, the wave was right behind her, then we started yelling out "Joyce watch out!!" and this girl finally turns around and by that time the wave already went OVER her hahha. this girl..haha. WHen we all saw what happened to joyce we all cracCed up sOoo bad!! we played in the water some more then decided to leave. But before we left we wanted to go back in and just dipp our heads in and then leave. SO we did. haha. OHH MANN!! RUNNiNG iN THE WATER AT A BEACH WiTH YOUR CLOTHES ON iS WHAT i LiKE TO CALL BEiNG**SPONTANEOUS** and i gotta admit.....

On the way home was all smiles and giddyness because we all couldn't believe what we just did. dOode i dont think i would have done anything like that if it weren't for these Spontaneous lil bitches hahahaha!! DoODE I FREAKiNG LOOOOVVVVEEEE YOU GUYS! On the way going to Joyces pad, me, ren and joyce were singing "Greatest Love Of All" on 96.5! LOLZ! Marco and Ty were cracCin up cause we were screaming our lungs out! hahaha! After we left, Pat seperated from us and me, ty, ren, les, and marco went back to Joyces house to clean up and get dry. We watched the video of our little outing today haha and mann was it funnn =) Ren, Ty, and Marco left around 7:50ish and I stayed with joyce to chill for a bit. I came home around 8:15ish and here i am in front of the computer where you can always find me nowadays =) hehe yeahh i know i'm a computer gEek *snort* hehe. So yeahh thats basically wat i did today..and booyyyy was it one of the UNFORGETTABLE days i've ever had =)

There was only one thing that would have made this day PERFECT...*<3*IF ONLY I GOT TO SPEND MORE TIME WITH MY BABY*<3* DoODE BABE...I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!! argh!! GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!LOLZ!! well i'm getting sleepy now...i'm just gonna end it like this: BEiNG GROWN UP iSN'T HALF AS FUN AS GROWING UP, THESE ARE THE BEST DAYS OF OUR LIVES. I HAD A WONDERFUL DAY TODAY. NOTHING RUINED MY HAPPiNESS. I WISH TO HAVE MORE DAYS LIKE THIS. I LOVE YOU JAY. MORE THAN ANYTHING. better believe it. PEACE OUT losers and winners.