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Hi. I'm Susan. 17. Life story?
I'd appreciate it if you read this.
Call me Sooze. Or get to know me, then I'll let you call me anything{within reason o_O}. I live in Corby, Northamptonshire; UK's WORST TOWN and ASBO CAPITAL. It's not that bad actually. I love the atmosphere{sometimes} & most of the people here. I'm in full-time education surprisingly, studying Art and Drama A2, Health & Social Care and Critical Thinking AS. I have 14 A*-C gsces & an IQ of 80A. lolz. In 2008 I'll hopefully be attending either Derby Uni to study Creative Espressive Therapy:Art Therapy, or Northampton Uni to study Art/Psychology Joint Honours. This therefore gives me a Gap Year to sponge money and TRAVEL ZE WORLD. I've made tons of friends in the past few years, mostly in the proximity of SCHOOL, but my heart♥ lies with my mates from town. They created my outer shell for me, built it to suit them and I love them for it. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I'm a dirty grunger deep down ;D.
Talking of which... I'm not easily stereotyped, unless your shallow, because what you call me on one day will contrast with the next. Don't make a fool of yourself.
I am actually completely in love with a boy called Aaron. It's the best thing thats ever happened to me and I'm incredibly lucky. I never thought I would come across it as I've had shit luck with relationships but here it is. And I wouldn't change a thing. :)
Elins my world.
You've ruined my fucking head.
Also, I have a friendship tattoo with my best friend James. He means the world to me, he's the only person to NEVER fuck me over and i value him so much. Our friendship's hard as nails. I think we've proved that to a lot of people, and it's now as permanent as our tattoos.
I get on better with males. I find boys a lot more understanding and honest that girls, as you can get a decent, in depth conversation from them, full of non-biased views, rather than it being sugar coated; Which leads me to:
"All girls are mostly presumptuous And will think anything they like about another If it puts them in a bad light. Girls will decide if they don’t like someone Without ever speaking to them. Let alone getting to know them. Every girl is like this. Even when one will compromise The other girl is to stubborn to Give up.". This quote is well true, lol. Even I admit it.
I do like males and females in the emotional way. I am not just saying this. I've had a relationship with a girl, and no it was not a "phase", I've been through other peoples phases ¬_¬. I have also learnt that in the end girls are no different that guys, you get your heart broken. Either gender always sets out for the same thing. You get your shitty females that pretend to be bisexual, just to "lead you on" as it were, same as you do with males.
I miss a lot of things but you can only really go forward in life, and I've wasted too much of my time and tears dwelling on stuff that **wont happen again. No matter how much I'd like it to.** Talk about my past and you will get to me immensely. So don't do it please. If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all.
**(I wrote that in my first draft. Must of been.. April ish? I now know there was a purpose to it. Things do happen that you want to and it's not always a good thing.)
I grow on you from the first time you meet me. You might end up hating me but there will still be something there. (Hate is a product of love, it is not the opposite, which is indifference. Hate shows you still care).I'm like a scar I guess. I never try to make people dislike me. Infact the opposite. I'm a pretty nice person, I give everyone a chance. I hate people that betray trust, contradict themselves, or lie to me. I can't stand liars. I also can't stand people that talk complete bollocks just to get people to like them.
(write SPONGE in your comment if you've read this far).
I thoroughly enjoy the thrill of piercings. I really miss my madison {collarbone piercing}. I fell in love with it, lol :$. I'm not a fan of having non-symmetrical piercings but screw it. I also found getting my tattoo quite enjoyable :).
I HATE smoking. I DON'T MIND drugs. I LIKE alcohol. Malibu along with Aftershock is how I go. I get exclusively wankered. Just ask Bryony lol. I've fell on her a few times. :) :) :)
I'm a very angry individual. I have mood swings like minutes and I turn into a different person. It's part of my personality so you'll have to deal with it I'm afraid .I've suffered from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for a long time now {around 8 years}. I've come to terms with it, and you shouldn't have to witness it so you won't have to. Over the past year it has cleared up considerably. I ♥love♥ the periods where it doesn’t ask much of me, but I know it probably won’t last. I’m very self-conscious, and compliments to my face do not go down well with me. I will take a long time to believe you if you praise me. Interpret me how you like, I really don't give a fuck anymore.
I wear glasses. I HATE wearing glasses. I can’t wear contacts, due to the strength of my eye problem ¬_¬. Oh well. At least theres something positive about them. They change colour :). Not like orange or bright purple lol. They are at the moment turquoise, but they used to be an ocean colour when I was very young. Got yellow/silver/green/blue in them so you decide. They vary when they want.
I'm quite short as well, 5ft 1/152cms...gutted gnomey.
I'm always changing my hair and it mostly always looks shit, I'm just good at covering it up :p. I find my hair gives me a sense of identity. As do my piercings. In a weird way, you can see it as “following a trend” but that’s not my viewpoint. So fuck offf lol.
I enjoy ALL genres of music. Really. Throw something at me. I LOVE buying of bands that I know won't become part of the "3 week popularity" for a good 2 years after i've heard them. MUSIC SOUNDS SO MUCH BETTER WHEN ONLY YOUR EARS HAVE HEARD IT. Most of the music I like now I was played whilst I was a child, whilst I was growing up. But yet again, believe what you will. This is only a website.
I like to wear whatever I want to. I usually try and match up my clothes and shit so I don't look scruffy but if I do I don't really care.
Yeah, there's some of me.
Think what you like, ask what you like, talk to me, bitch about me, hate me, I don't MIND.

& if you read all this, write LIQUID along with the other word. I'll respect you to the highest degree. No bulls**t.
comment me.

© Susan Askew - 30th December 2006.

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