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Sunday, September 12, 2004

Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: American Idiot by Green Day

I just got back from my cousins birthday party. It was kinda fun i guess. A couple of the people were really bothering me. I hate people who think that they are so much better than everyone. It drives me crazy. They didn't say that they were better than me or anything but i hate people who sit there and just insult someone for no reason. Except the people who really deserve it and need to kno that they arn't as great as they think they are. But anyways..... the girls there were so obsessed with my cousin's cousin and his friend. He wasn't related to me though. They were making such a big deal about even talking to him. The guys were hot but they were treating them like they were so perfect. No one is perfect.......
gotta go

By: ShErI rEnEe VeReS at 12:31 PM CDT
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Thursday, September 9, 2004

Mood:  special
Now Playing: Personal Jesus by Marilyn Manson n then Anthem of our Dying Day by Story of the year!!
Wow it has been forever since i have written here. Today i tried out for varsity singers and didn't make it. Im not really sad though cause they said that i was a good singer but i was just too quiet. I'm usually really loud but i was so nervous that i was shaking and could barely stand. I had to sing all by myself in front of all these people. uhh......... life goes on. Some people that are relly good singers didn't make it and mostly crappy singers made it. It is so gay but like i said life goes on. Isn't it sad when you know someone that is starving themselves on purpose but you can't get them to eat no matter what you do or say. It is just so i don't kno. People need to get on Msn right now cause i am so bored and no one that i like talking to. Hopefully my parents will take me to the soccer game tomorrow. You kno what i hate...those stupid trojan comercials on tv. They are akward and just so wierd.Gotta go



By: ShErI rEnEe VeReS at 4:58 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, September 9, 2004 5:01 PM CDT
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Sunday, September 5, 2004

Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Fall to Pieces by Velvet Revolver

Tuhday i went to the Michigan Renaissance Festival. All these people were dressed up like people from the 16th century. They were wearin bodices and dresses and corsets and these baggy pants. I saw the grossest thing though dont mean to be mean but this Girl that must weigh at least 300 lbs. was wearin a belly dancer outfit thing. It was gross. uhh..i hope i never have to see anything like that again. but anyways.... I never did get to go that stupid football game cause my mom said i might get sick cause it is raining. Did you kno that you dont actually get a cold from being out in the cold....yea. I am actually really happy i dont why i am so entergetic though because it is 12:07. My feet hurt so bad from walkin around that festival thing. well i gotta to ya later..bye

By: ShErI rEnEe VeReS at 10:44 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, September 5, 2004 10:45 PM CDT
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Friday, September 3, 2004

Mood:  sad
Now Playing: If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys

I am so pissed off right now. My dad takes my sister to her boyfriends like every day and he lives like 20 minites away but he wouldnt take me to the soccer game. I actually would rather be anywhere but here right now. I am also pretty sad cause i wanted to see John Aspden and he was gunna be there cause he is on the soccer team.i know what your thinkin and no I don't like him.To tell you the truth i don't even kno why i want to go so bad. I wanted to though. I hate this. Hopefully i will get to go to the football game but most likely not. life sucks so bad.


By: ShErI rEnEe VeReS at 3:24 PM CDT
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Thursday, September 2, 2004

Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Straight Out of Line by Godsmack

I really want to go to the soccer game tomorrow. Not just cause the guys are really hot but because I do like soccer. It is fun to watch and to play. Today one of my friends told this really hot guy that I said that he was the hottest person in the world. Eventhough I did say that I still didnt want her to say that to him. The worst part was that I was sitting right there. It was okay but really embarassing. I am so happy that I dont have to go to school tomorrow. It is so extremely boring. The time on this thing is like an hour and a half earlier that it is supposed to be just so ya kno. Gotta go......


By: ShErI rEnEe VeReS at 9:17 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, September 2, 2004 9:24 PM CDT
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