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The Life and Times of a Few Serial Daters

The Vows

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The Saga:

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So here we are,

a few single women, lookin' for love in all the wrong PLACES!

Let's get this straight, we're educated, witty and a little bit wacky, hence creating our own little webpage. What's the purpose of such drivel, you ask? Why the hell not? We've had quite a few freaking hysterical experiences since taking on this great quest in finding our ultimate mates. Why not share the humor with the rest of the world?

We drink, smoke, curse, laugh and go about our daily, fairly professional, lives. We've been looking for NORMAL guys and it seems we just keep finding FREAKS. Since LOVE doesn't seem to be on our side at the moment, humor, sure as hell, is.

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In brief (As if we do anything in briefs!?):

My friends promised to take part in this site, but have found more enjoyment in reading what I write. I'm pissed that they don't want to write about their own stories, which are honestly MORE hilarious than MINE!
What makes me unique? I'm NOT a babe. I've been called quirky or cute. I love music...a little of anything and everything. I play a little guitar. I have a new addiction to hiking, that's about the only exercise that I'll voluntarily take part in.
I used to look at life with a pretty bleak stare, now I just laugh..or TRY to, whenever I hit a metaphorical brick wall. I'd like to think that I'm a fairly compassionate person, but if you're rude you're open yourself up to my sarcasm. In the long and short of it? I'm smart and quirky.

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