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Roxie's Happy Wonder Land!
||| Home sweet home. ||| Links ||| ||| Journal ||| Link coming soon ||| To a store near you. |||
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Hello and Welcome To Roxie's Happy Wack dodaday Wonderland. This is the Page all about odd things and random doo-daas. Yes...and you can View mine, and all of my friend's links here! Although the page is well under way in it's reconstruction so some things may not work for you.

Yes, I'm crazy, but I decided that, since it is summer and I have no other activities to do I'll take the time to aquaint myself further with my friend and yours, Mr. HTML...yes I cheat a little and use Angel fire's HTML library, it's honestly not my fault :).

So that's about the whole Kit-N-Kabootle. On behalf of Roxie I would like to say please enjoy your time with us and feel free to steel the towel, soap, shampoo, T.V., Bed, or any other of our complimentary accomidations. ((Note, we are not directly responsible for any bodily harm or emotional damage inflicted apon you during your stay))

See any faulty links or misspelled wordseseseses? e-mail me
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