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Roosevelt High School Hardware Team

Hardware Project


Sioux Falls School District

The Team


"It won't fit!"


"Hurry up and screw it in!"

Brandon B. & Kevin

Brandon: "Those who live life supporting temporary safety over freedom are doomed to death. Those who give their liver supporting what they believe can never die for they..." (lots of rambling)

Kevin: "Hi mom! I'm on the computer!"

Damon(he's in there...somewhere...)

"Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: MANKIND. Basically, it's made up of two separate words - 'mank' and 'ind'. What do these words mean? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind..."


"Human life is like a spark in the darkness, it flares for a moment, catches the eye, and is gone forever. A retinal after-image obscurred by newer, brighter lights."

Brandon B. playing with the parts

Brandon K.

"When building a computer, never forget to plug in the switch before turning on the computer."


"Sometimes you got to roll with the punches, and sometimes you'll get knocked down."

Special thanks goes to Brandon K. with his computer we could work on and Mr. B. for letting us start this project! Other thanks go to Jared and Kevin for the sound system, and Jack and Dave for exploring that old laptop we've been waiting to rip apart ^_^ Thanks!