<bGSOUND SRC="foamysrant.mp3" LOOP=INFINITE>
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Welcome to Hell


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I know its About Time that I did it but i finnaly am updating my website...YAY ME!!!... im over that horrible bout of depression that was overtaking me when last i updated this horrible mass of information(well almost over it...im a depressed kinda guy ya know)Well i hope youll enjoy looking around...remember alot of this is still under construction so if a link doesnt work or something just let me know and ill get right on it...my e-mail of course is at the bottom of the screen

Why This Is Hell

Things youll find here

Invader Zim Stuff
random crap
random games crap
Random Funny Stuff
vampire the masquerade stuff
My live journal
Okay well this is the Various Crap i have on my website...if you think should add something or get rid of something just let me know(not that ill listen or anything but if you make a valid point than i may take credit for your idea...Make sure yall sign the guest book...that thing needs to get some use or im gonna get rid of it...seriously that thing is nothing but trouble lol...and check out my Foamy the squirrel page...im very proud of it...and if you like it go to www.illwillpress and bother the guy there(he the one who makes foamy) into putting my site on his links page cause well...i RULE!!! lol...so yeah...enjoy or something

Email: relic4@cox.net