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   My Lil' Nothings::...
   My Crap on paper::...
   My Captured Souls::...
   Guest Book::...

...::Sweat Dreams::...     ...::Email::...     ...::Sweet Dreams::...

Update: Change some stuff one the Friends page.Added something on the Facts Page.Added 49-58 new drawings.
Posted: 10/08/03

...::MY BLOG::...

Well its 2004. i feel no different. I didnt make a new year resolution...i never do. Maybe I should. If i did it would probably just be let me be happy. Someone told me that i needed to let go of the past. I know this is going to sound stupid...but i'm not sure how to. I dont think i can. The past is always there, how can i let go of something that is always there. *sigh* anyways. I'm still sleepy. It got overly cold last night. I did nothing last night to celebrate the new year. I was supposed to go to a party..but i was let down agian. I'm tired of that. Maybe i should just give up on him. I dunno what to do about that...and frankly i dont give a fuck right now. I need to go back to bed. I regret just about everything that happened last year. 2003 wasnt a very good year for me. I hope that 2004 will be. I did a Tarot reading last night..my question was "How will 2004 be for me?" The cards said that I will seek knowledge, that i will lose a friend and that I will be in some sort of accident, and also that my expectations will be too high. I can see that all happening, Except the accident. I highly doubt that happens. And i'll probably lose more than one friend...i will be graduating this year. and I know that i will probably never see my friends agian. We are all going our different ways. I hope they are happy where ever it is they are going. I know i will not be..College is next for me. I dont want to go to our Local college...but its the only one i can afford. I want to go to an Art school, but i know i'm not good enough. *sigh* i need to go...too much thinking. its depressing me...oh shit i gots to take my meds. I'll ttyl. *sigh*
01 - 01 - 04

well Its almost 2004! i'm rather excited too. Ive waited this year since i started the 4th grade. 2004 is the year i graduate! thank the gods! lets see whats new.....hmm...nothing. X-mas sucked. not much has happened. My Grandmother Burgess is in the hospital, so its kinda crazy round here. Mom is all stressed out b/c of it which i dont blame her i would be stressed if she was in the hospital and maybe on her death bed. I seen The Return of the King..twice. 1st time i cried..2sd i didnt. It was very sad. i hardly ever cry in movies but i did in that one. I have started a hat collection. HEHE i'm dork. hmm..i'm not sure what to put on here today. so i guess i'll leave. The Dead Flower is gone.
12 - 29 - 03

Well it was a Monday, everyone was sleeping during classes. We began "poking" at a lil' pig during Anatomy. Me and Megan named ours Miss Piggy. its actually pretty nasty. i dont know what to put on today. sorry just felt like updating. Its the 17th: My moms b-day is Feb. 17th, and the 1st day i kissed "him". hmmmm...what a day to remember. I spent the night w/ Tabatha this weekend.She has really nice family, except her Step Brother JayJay, i really didnt like him. but oh well. Man o Man i didnt sleep well last night. well i'm here at Megans,surprised she invited me over. but its cool. well i'm going to go....hope u had a nice day.
12 - 17 - 03

Veterans Day, we didnt have school. which was cool. i was supposed to go homework, but instead i went to my grandparents house and helped my Mother clean it. I got some new cloths. Jeans,Shirts and some Skirts. one Skirt is long and i love it. i'm wearing it to school tommorrow. i know i havnt updated much..its just i'm getting tired of being on the damn computer. shit ive had a computer since i was 7..so ive had one for 10 fuckin years. i think its about time i get tired of them. I dont have any reason to get on it really...this is the only site i have running and i talk to my friends at school. so now if i get on the computer i'm either d/l music or playing some stupid game(out pure boredum)and occasianaly(sp?) update this site. i'm not sure if its a bad thing or a good thing yet. who cares right? its not like anyone fuckin reads this shit anyways. i'm sure everyone "else" has a life. lol i bet its nice. man i'm sleepy. lets see whats new w/ me? hmm...i finally realized how much joy i bring to my Grandparents. Today i went to my Grandparents house and the look on their faces was soo bright and happy looking. i used to hate going out there but the last few times ive actually enjoyed going out there. on the way home Mother said she doesnt expect them to live for another year. i think i will actually cry when they die, i used to say i would never cry when they "finally" die. i used to say i hated them..but today i realized while hugging my Grandfather how much i really do love them, and i will miss them when they die. Yes its boring at their house, but it is worth it to see their faces when i walk thru the door. And it pisses me off that my Father doesn't want to go out there for Thanksgiving, sometimes i just want to hit him w/ a "wake-up" stick.ANYWAYS!! ya know, i'm a VERY quiet..shy girl. i noticed that this weekend. i mean i know i was not talkitive..but damn i'm more than that...i dont speak hardly any. i maybe spoke 15 words Friday night 5:00pm to 1:00am. thats sad...is it a bad thing? i'm not sure really...personaly i cant stand ppl who talk TOO much, and i know ppl who cant stand who dont talk ENOUGH(me). lol..i dunno...shit i'm thinking too much. i'm gtg, i'm getting a headache from thinking too much...lol. good-bye..i hope those who actually read this has a nice day. Until Next Time!
12 - 11 - 03

HEY! well it has been awhile, but i havnt had much to actually put on here.Halloween was this weekend, and it was probably one of my best ones. I spent it w/ Brandon,Casey and some other ppl, but mainly them.We didnt do much of anything, but we talked alot. no i didnt talk much, but ya know. i think i like Brandon agian, i was totally over him, but after Friday i think those feelings are back. GRAND, just what i fuckin need. AHH damn i'm stupid. well its official i have lost my best friend, and i dont think she even gives a damn, and its my fault.*sigh* i ruin everything. i'm just a huge piece of bad luck to myself. I feel like i'm about to pass out. someone slap me, or shoot me.i feel awful right now.Insides have been torn all apart.
12 - 03 - 03

well..i thought i'd come update a lil. Lets see whats new...School SUX! We dont have to go the rest of this week and Monday next week..so thats a plus. I get to paint during my lil' break..which i love doing, but man o man it makes overly tired. but oh well guess its part of it. i plan on updating/adding some stuff soon...maybe later tonight. well i gtg now, gots to dry my hair before the bus gets here. Arg midterm tests today...wish me luck. i think i'm going to fail all of them. :( well good-bye!
10 - 08 - 03

well i havnt been here in a LONG LONG time. oh well. lots has happened.I closed my other sites down,b/c i "had" to. i'm not going explain all that tho. Well School sucks. i sorta slacked off at the begining. i havnt been able to stay focused on my school work my mind wonders and wonders and seems to get lost sometimes. I think i have lost my best friend. and I have cried more this year than ever b4. This is my Senior year and hopefully my last year in Alabama and its going to suck more than anything in my life. Except the FootBall games, the 1st one the season was LOADS of fun! i was so fuckin hyper. We(my friends,and some other ppl) was all(except Megan and Fuller) jumping around like freaks, yelling and just having fun. and no drugs were involved. anyways. yesterday i "bought" a tie. i like, but i cant figure out the correct way to tie it lol. I found a new band Mest, not really new, but new to me. I like, i like a lil more than GC. I dont really have a fav, i like all of their songs so far. AHH, well i'm gtg. laters..

09 - 01 - 03

wow..i havnt been here in a month. i'm sorry. i got my nose pierced, but found out that i'm allergic to metal, so i now have a plastic stud in. it had some weird growth called "Proud Flesh" on it, and the Doc. had to burn it off. and its infected...but looks MUCH better now. I have to get my Senior pics made this Wed. WOw i'm a senior...scarry thought. but oh well. my mom is making me wear these cloths that are NOT me, they are rather girlly looking. oh well....she is paying for them. this year is going to be expensive. not much has happened the last month. VERY boring Summer, even more boring Life!i'm gone.

07 - 07 - 03

Well i dont get to get my tattoo, b/c the parents are scared that i might get some disease. :( but oh well i get to get my nose pierced! YAY! but i'm not sure if its going to look good. I have an ugly nose, like everything else. but yea. well He came over today! I was glad to see Him! He went to back home thats where he was all this time. We are going to do something Sunday. What we are going to do i have no idea. but at least I will be w/ Him. :) well i'm gone!
06 - 07 - 03

My b-day was LAST Saturday. I turned 17. It sucked. like all my other b-days. I got a Harry Potter cake. I didnt get to get my Tattoo, b/c of the lake of $$. But Father said that i MIGHT get it this coming up weekend! YAY! i HOPE i get it! I REALLY REALLY want it. I have been waiting to get one since i was like 10 years old. i'm tired of waiting! Its only like 8 weeks till school starts back agian. I'll be a senior! YAY, my LAST fuckin year in this shitty ass hell hole! :) if you are really bored and feel like reading u can go to my diary. its HERE.. ENJOY. GOOD BYE!
06 - 02 - 03

i know i havnt been here in a long time! sorry. well school let out Wed. and well that day wasnt so good. this whole week hasnt been too grand. but maybe, hopefully tonite will change it. I'm supposed to be going to the movies tonite. i hope to have some fun! i havnt had any fun in a long time now. but oh well. Summer Vaction! YAY, LOADS OF BORINGNESS(sp)!! but i want a job! no i NEED a job. i need some $$$. i applyed at a few places in April but no one has called. :( maybe they will call soon! i hope! there is this cowboy hat that i REALLY want, but its costs out the ass hole, its $140. its black w/ flames on it! :) its cute! oh yea my b-day is comeing up VERY soon! 8 days to be exact! :) YAY i'll be 17! Mother and Father said i could get a tatoo! OMG! i'm soo happy! i just have to make all the calls, and get a price. i'm not sure where i want it. I want something simple for my 1st one, a Black Star. but i'm not sure where.My wrist?my leg?i want it small, bout the size of a dime.i dunno.but i gots to call around and get prices and stuff. and also decide what and where i want it! i'm soo excited! :) lol...well i'm gtg. so i'll c-ya!
05 - 23 - 03

it stormed agian today, and its supposed to be more tonite!i cant wait! i love it when it storms, i get so relaxed. i actually sleep good when it storms.so yea. i'm not going to put much in this entry, sorry. but if u want to read more go to my diary. the link is under updates above. good-bye!
05 - 06 - 03

well i'm sure if u read the update thingy above i opened a diary. its okay, i put more there than i do here tho. i dont like the way diaryland is set up, they fill in most of the HTML and stuff. i dont like that. but other than that i like it. i have been thinkin about closing this site, but i think i changed my mind. i need something to fall back on when i get bored w/ diaryland, which i dont think that will take long. lol, i get bored very fast. i need something different constantly. i love change! thats one reason i change my layout alot. but i think that will slow down, i really like this layout! oh my Brother didnt want to say this or anything but he made me the layout! HAHA! he said he was ashamed b/c of the Care Bear thing. lol, but i love them, i remember watching them like EVERY day when i was younger, along w/ My Little Pony, Rainbow brite...and all those other cute gurly cartoons. but oh well. anyways i gtg, time to eat dinner! FOOD! We are having Chicken and Rice tonite! YAY! i LOVE CHICKEN AND RICE! :) good-bye!
04 - 28 - 03

Its finally Friday! and i didnt have to go to school today! b/c i'm still sick :( worse than i was the other day. Yesterday i could barely breathe and i had to check out of school. then i went to the doc. agian. and they said my Oxygen level was WAY low, and if it was any lower i would have brain damage. :S but luckly it wasnt! They put me on an inhaler that tastes like shit, but makes me a lil hyper. so thats a plus. I also have to stay inside, and drink water and sleep. so yea....that kinda sucks. but i guess i'll deal. yea..i had to babysit my Cousin Autumn today tho, which sucks butt, she is so damn spoiled its sad. I cant stand stand lil kids, she is 3, and she just left. THANK YOU god! but yea, well i'm going to go. so i'll c-ya when i c-ya.
04 - 25 - 03

.....well i jus got back from my doc. appointment. I have a sinus and a upperrespitory(sp??) Infection. and they have me on 3 different meds, Congestion pills, Prolex:some nast ass tasting couhg med. thats greed, and makes me sleepy, and Bixen:a HUGE pill, bout the size of Africa pill! its for infection. I HATE taking ANY sort of meds. But hey the bright side is i dont have to go to school tommrrow! :) and my Pharmcy dude said i need to stay inside for about 3 more days. So my Mommy my let me stay out of school for the rest of the week! :) :) sooo...yea well i'm gtg...i'll add more later tonite, when i have more time on my hands, and if i'm not asleep. good-bye
04 - 22 - 03

HEY!!! how is everyone! i'm GREAT, but bored.like always!but hey, jus one more day of school this week! we are out friday for Easter! YAY!! And Fri. i'm supposed to go to Brandons house and a bunch of us are going to watch the HP movies.YAY! but one flaw, someone i'm not very found of, and a lil jealous of is going to be there, well they might be. i HOPE not. thats mean i know, but i cant help it! oh well, i'm not even sure if i can even go, my parents might have to work. and there is going to be 10 ppl there, and i dont do so good in large groups of ppl. stupid i know. but anyways! does anyone have plans for Easter? lol, i dont. My family used to do like this Egg Hunt thing, but that was when i was like 11, and then i wasnt allowed to participate, i ws considered a "big" kid, and it was only for the younger kids of the family. so me and the other older kids, April Justion and Tim, they are my cousins. we all stayed inside, and played games the hole day. This year i dont even think we are having a dinner. i hope not! i HATE family gatherings. they are soo boring. and my last family gathering my grandmother insulted me and was preaching to me, saying all the stuff i believed in was wrong and agianst "God", she i needed to get god in my life agian and all this bull crap! and said that i shouldnt want to get any baody art ever done. i was like OMG! i cant believe this crap, the woman who has been married 6 times and has like 6 kids and doesnt know who there father is for sure. and who lies and stills for her own kids and grandkids. this woman is preaching to me, i had to do everything to keep my mouth for cusing the old woman out! i cant stand that old hag! but anyways....thats jus puttin me in a bad mood! well i'm going to go, its bout time to go, oh BTW i'm at school.... :( so i'll ttyl!
04 - 16 - 03

Well school strats back tommorrow...yay! not, i dont want to go. but i'm tired of being at home. Bored out of my fuckin mind this whole week! but one upside, i finally got to see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, which OMG it was really good! I adore Draco, he is really cute for a kid. Ron was kind of a sissy in it, he wined alot. I couldnt stop laughing when i seen Lucius thanks to this "fan-fiction" i read awhile back, it sorta perverted the movie. but i think they did a great job writing it! yall should read it... here it is "Harry Potter:Slash, Het and Gen" they ones aobut Harry and Draco are my favorite, but also the funny one and the one that kept poping in my head while watching the movie was the one about Harry and Lucius which is called "Forbidden Want" but caution if you are homophobic(sp?) dont read it, b/c thats basicly all its about. but its good, its sweet i couldnt stop reading it. okay anyways! i also seen Fear Dot Com, which well it was okay. i mean i have seen better. but it was good....the main cop dude, he was cute, but i liked him better in Blade 1, when he played Decan Frost. i jus prefer bad guys i guess. :) yea..well i gtg...so i'll c-ya.
04 - 13 - 03

*sigh* well today sucked! and it was a Friday :( i have felt like shit all day. and i had like 3 tests today...and all of them was rather hard. and i probly failed all 3! oh well. i'm not sure what else to put not much happpened today. but next week is Spring Break, no school for a week. YAY but i'll be home all week bored out of my mind... so yea, i'll have to clean house like everyday... but i get to sleep late... :) thats if i can actually get some sleep. yea..well i'm going to go now. so good nite all...
04 - 04 - 03

Today started off good, and was great until i got on the bus this evening. Well except for the fact that the guy i like didnt say one word to me today :( that was rather sucky. and on the bus i usually listen to my portable Cd player, and well this evening i got on and just put my headphones on, and my stupid old bitchy ass piss of shit bus driver, Mrs. Peggy, told me to take my headphones off and never bring them back on her bus agian or she'll throw it out the window. that really pissed me off, but i didnt say a word like a good lil gurl. i just got the biggest headache of my life tho b/c of all the noise on the stupid bus. you know i wouldnt mind not having my cd player if no one spoke on the bus. it would be all great and stuff, but thats not going to happen. And well when i went in the house i dunno what happened i jus started yelling cuss words and screaming, me and my brother got in a fight. He threw a chair at me twice and i kicked slapped and punched him. the chair didnt hurt or anything, but i dunno i just ran to my room crying. i stayed in my room crying for like 2 hrs, then mother came home. and yea, she thought i was just doing it for the hell of it. but we "talked" and she said it was an anxiety attack. my 1st one in a LONG LONG time. i learned something new about myself today, when i cry i get 100's of blood spots around both of my eyes, and on my forehead. its great, i jus hope it goes away b4 school tommorrow it looks REALLY bad. thats basically what happened today. my weekend tho, going to the past now :) , pretty good weekend!! ;) (For the "Blank Master":Gentle, Massive, aggressive, and rough.) inside joke dont ask! :P well i'm gtg now...*HUGZ N KISSES*
3 - 31 - 03

Its pretty early in the morning. but its almost time to go to school. Today is Prom, and everyone who is going gets to stay out of school today and it be excused. so two of my classes will be like empty mostly. so YEA not much work...in those class. my 1st and 4th block class are 10th and 9th grade classes and well some of them are going to prom w/ JR. but not many, so i will still have loads of work in those classes. but oh well they are fairly easy classes History and Science. i got high B's in both of them! YAY! oh and my 2sd blk class, Geometry our teacher Mrs. Evans is retiring, today is her last day!!! THANK U GOD!!! and she is being Replaced w/ MRs. Micheal(sp?) she is really nice, and she likes me! so theres a plus! this school year might end pretty good now! MIGHT! if not oh well, i'll be a SR. next year, well hopefully if i dont fuck up agian. Just one more year in this stupid ass school. and omg! my last year we are going back to 7 class, we only have 4 now. 7 fuckin class, out lockers arent big enough to hold that many damn books!!! i hate the Board of Education! we supposedly have no money coming in, so they have to fire some teachers and go back to 7 class. they are soo stupid! More students will be failling then, 7 class w/ 30 ppl in them. okay doesnt sound that big of a class, but for Fyffe(a small ass country hick town in Northern Alabama) its like HUGE! but oh well this really pisses me off...but i guess i'll just have to get over it. well i gtg get dressed, school in like 15 min. so have a nice day!
3 - 28 - 03

Updates:I finally got a few of my drawings up here "My Crap on Paper..." And i'm working on a new layout. I'm going for something a lil "brighter", right now its between Yellow Duckies or Sponge Bob. Choices, I suck at making them and especially "RIGHT" choices. Anyways! Today well i have had better! But i'll need to start w/ yesterday. Yesterday was GREAT, the whole Day and Night! I spent the nite w/ Megan so yesterday evening i rushed and gather up "some" cloths for school the next day(today). and well this morning i woke up and when i went to change cloths. Ummm...i forgot to put me a change of pants in my bag. So yea, i thought i was going to have to wear the same cloths i wore the day b4, which would have sucked b/c they wernt clean and i sweated alot the day b4 i knew that they stunk! BUT Megan, rushed and she drove me over to my house this morning so i could change! She is an ANGEL! :P We finally got to school and i said "I dont think this day could get any worse." She said yes it could then she said "You could fall going up the stairs agian, or trip over ur on foot and fall face forward, or if Brandon hus you this morning u could sneeze all over him." Well we got to out "spot" in the Auditorum(sp?), and about 3 min later Brandon walks in the door, puts his arm around me. I just cracked up laughing, Me and Megan both did. He moved away then :( He wanted me to explain what all of that was about so i did. but he didnt think it was as funny. anyways, Fri. is the Jr. Sr. Prom,(i'm not going! thank u god) so this whole week we have some stupid "activites" for the Jr. and Sr. and today we had to listen to some man that was telling us not to drink and drive blah blah blah, and during break they had some REALLY STUPID! "Seatbelt Challenge" boring, most of our lil group sat a the picnic tables 50 ft away from the event. I used to not hate school that much, but this semester i hate it TOTALLY, the word school makes me want to curl up and die, and being there RRGG!! and to top this lovely day off, i'm sick! I have been sneezing,coughing,and sniffing all damn day! I need to go to the doctor, but i hate going! well i'm going to go get some shut eye...well try to get some that is last night i could barley sleep b/c of the coughing and the unablity(sp?) to breath very well, but i also had something else on my mind...but oh well! GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE! SWEET DREAMS! *HUGZ n KISSEZ*
3 - 25 - 03

YAY is finally the weekend!!no school for two days!!! :) not that long but i'm so glad i dont have to go! Next week is the Exit Exam! I only have to take two parts, Reading(i failed it the 1st time) and Social Studies(this will be my 1st time taking it) so yall wish me luck! and also we get Report Cards NEXT Friday, "hey Mommy look all F's!" i think i have failed every class! but hey i dont care! oh i will have a new lil nothing soon, well hopefully when i get home. But i'll probly forget by the time i get home, so it will probly but sometime next week when it actaully gets on here. I'm at Megans right now, and i'm the only one up. I'm such an early bird! I could stay up all nite, and still wake up b4 9, and not sleep for the rest of the day. OH dude! My mother bought me some DVDs and one of them was The Ring, which has got to be one of my favorite movies! it was REALLY good! kinda spooky, lol the morning after i watched it then phone rang and i looked at my mother(who also watched it w/ me) and both of our eyes widden(sp?) it was funny, we both told my lil sister to get the phone. lol...it was my Aunt.But yea...well i gots to go...ttyl! **HUGZ**
3 - 08 - 03

I havnt been here in awhile! sorry. i dont have much to say this time either. i'm limited! but anyways! this is for one person! "I'm sorry! I didnt want to get serious but i did. I understand if u pull the whole Nicole thing agian. But i dont know if i will be able to handle it. I'm sorry!!" okay well jus by reading that u can tell stuff has been happening! but Limited, i cant give full say everything! and well that person i'm tlaking bout is going to HATE me forever now! but I had to say it! Well off that! School! no lets not go there! i hate school! i'm not doing so well this term! too much pressure! Friends, well they all think soemtihng is wrong w/ me! One thinks i'm doing drugs, and the others think i'm going thru Depression, and one well i dont think she even cares. the only drugs i'm taken is Pain pills, and those actually put me in a good mood. and if its depression then well i dunno, but oh well it will pass. i'm not sure what it is. i sorta dont care, i have too much already on my mind. but i'm going to go! so i'll ttyl.....
2 - 28 - 03

i really dont have much to say. and the things i want to say i cant, certin ppl have access to the site. sorry! all i can say is that, Thanks to YOU the past few nits i have cryed more that i have cryed in my whole life! No its not much, but its too much for YOU! But tonite i cryed for a different reason, not YOU! Someone i care, about and i dont know why! Its driving me mad!! and this someone....rrg...n/m i cant say... But YOU hurt me REALLY bad, stabbed me directly in the heart,bout 4 times now...and i know there will be more. WARNING: be careful my guard is up, and ready! and the eyes have stopped crying for YOU, they cry for someone else now. ....OKAY sorry to you other readers who have no clue who all that is to... How was yalls V-day? Mine sucked, like always. Did yall get everything, or everyone one u wanted? I didnt, i didnt get either one of mine...but thats usually how it works....oh well...i have to go, a storm is comin...YAY, i love the rain, the thunder and all the lightning. its AWESOME!!! my favorite thing is to go outside in the rain and play. i'm such a lil kid! i cant right now, its too cold and too late....but i need to go...Good Nite! Sweet Dreams!!
2 - 15 - 03

I jus added a new lil nothing "My Goal in Life" its somethin i wrote a LONG time ago and i found it the other nite. its suppossed to be funny, but some ppl probly wont laugh at it. anyways! *sigh* i'm not sure what to put on here, yea stuff has happened and everything. but yea jus a lil umm different i guess. and i cant put it on here, family reads this stuff! wow i'm jus rambling here! no words, empty! Void! i like that word Void. jus sounds cool, say it! V...OOO...IIII...D lol :) soory, stupid bullshit, i'll go now! Good nite my friends, sweet dreams!
2 - 05 - 03

well has u can tell i have once again changed my layout! i had to! Me and some of my friends were talking about Good Charlotte and one of them said something about Benji,kinda insulted him...buts it all good! this new layout is just for Brandon!!! :) hope u like it buddy! lol..anyways umm...school...well school its actually going pretty good...except my English class...i thought it was going to be rather easy, but it is actually way harder than i thought...along w/ my Geometry class...but the teacher in that class sucks balls...so yea. i added two new tattoos to my sorta long list to get which is: a small Lady Bug on my left breast(i want that done really bad, i put a temp. on and it look adorable) and the other one is well actually its 2 more but its a red star on both my left and my right wrist. lol...i dont think i have ever said anything about my other tatoos i want well jus for shits and giggles i'll list them real fast for ya: stencil rose on my left leg,dolphin on my right ankle, black angel wings on my shoulders,a sun right above my ass, a lil black heart on my pelvic bone area, and maybe a lil bat on my foot, along w/ the lady bug and stars. thats like 9, so far. hey while we are on the subject of body art, piercing! thats also a kinda long list:right nipple,my lip, my nose,the bridge of my nose, both of my ears i want done all the way up, and i want both my eyebrows on the inner part and also on the outer part so thats like 4 for just my eyebrows...umm thats like 15 i think..around that area...lol..thats alot now that i think about it..i probly will not get my ears done...they look totally stupid pierced, they are too small and the curve up.. :( its not fair! i hate them! omg this is getting REALLY long! i sorry, i'm in a REALLY talkitive(sp?) mood and there is no one to talk to, so i have to sit here and talk to the comp. sad isnt it? yea i know it is! but hey no one is up at this time of nite,unless that are like getting it on, or drunk as hell or bored out of thier fuckin mind. LIKE ME!!! hehe! but i think i'm going to go...soo PEEAACCEE!!!
1 - 29 - 03

AHHH...well UPDATES! I just added a lil Message board thingy. ENJOY! :) YAY we didnt have to go to school FRIDAY!!! and Monday is a holiday (MLK Day) so we dont have to go then either!! Fri.; well that was a good day. i actually had fun, my whole weekend was pretty good actually! :) yea Friday there was like 100 ppl in my lil ass trailer....a lil crowed, but i THINK we all had fun...i hope! *~If I had a star for everytime you brightened my day...I'd be holding the galaxy in my hands~* and i'll go out w/ that...good bye!!
1 - 19 - 03

Hello! You see I have changed my layout agian. I will probably keep it like this for awhile. I'm not done i gots to add and REadd some stuff..."Your Voice" is temprarly down, that file got deleted while i was changing my layout. lol...i have to find it and retype it. okay I just added 3 new Lil Nothings..."Bring it on..." , "MisUnderstood" ....and
Glooow... But anyways! Its amazing how one moment you can feel all depressed, then someone does the most simplest thing and i makes you feel like...i dunno, buts its the best you have in like a week. That happened today, THANK YOU!!! YOU know who you are! i needed that really!! :) AHH Its been a week of school already. Well this is going to be the suckest(sp?) year of my life! The 1st part of the year was good but school has made it AWFUL!!!HMMM...enough complaining...sorry.. well i'm going to go!
1 - 10 - 03

Okay, i just got done adding a new lil nothing! Unbreakable its about friendship, written for the Blank Master :) hope you enjoy it! Sorry i havnt got to add any of my drawings yet, i'm workin on it ppl! oh speaking of working, hmm..school starts back in like 1 day, and i'm not going to be able to update as often as i have been. Sorry..but i'm sure you not going to miss it that much! ;) Well people i'm sorry but i dont have much to say right now. so i'm going to go. PPEEEAAAACCE!! *hugz*
1 - 5 - 03

okay i have added/changed a few things. Lets see, I added a New lil nothing, its called 3:00 pm, go read it, i thought it was pretty good. i also added a Quote page. And i totally Changed the "ME" section. go check it out, i added several different pages, and i'm not done. I HOPE to get some of my drawings scanned and put up! and i'm thinking about adding a few of my UNFINISHED stories on here, i'm not sure yet. but hey more things are coming i promise! :) anways...Wow, can u believe it, its 2003. you know i never thought i'd see the day. but i did, and i remember when i was a lil kid thinking hey when like the year 2003 comes we will have like flying vehicles, we would be able to go to the moon ANY time we wanted to. LOL...wasnt i let down.hmmm...i wonder if that will happen w/ in my life time? i dunno.... RRRGGG school starts back in like a week, i'm sooo NOT ready! i have like all HARD classes, i have: American History 1, Geometry(sp?), English, and Physical Science. Yup a full load :( lol..half of those classes are like 10th and 9th grade classes i have to make up. But hey i'll be an OFFICIAL 11th grader this term, YAY!!! Stupid Screwed up school system! Wow, this blog entry is getting pretty long...hmmm..lets make it longer. lol....i just went blank. hmmm...give me like 10 sec. i can come up w/ something to say.........hmmmm...i went to the movies today, i seen Gangs of New York. I liked it, it was pretty good. I dont really like Leanardo Decaprio(no fuckin clue on how to spell his name) but i think he did a really good job in this movie. Then we(hmm, me and Brandon)got food. lol...loads of fun, w/ my great planning skills, and his perfect navigational skills, nah j/k, it was fun. :) and Last Wed. i seen LOTR:Two Towers, which i thoght was awsome, kick ass fighting scenes! Me and Megan went, which was her 2sd time to see it. Yea i'm thinking about seeing it agian, but i dunno. WOW, this is getting REALLY long. so i'm going to stop b4 i bore u to death! "Good nite sweetheart" sorry, damn song is stuke in my head. later.
01 - 01 - 03

hmmmm...School is out, been out since Thrus. Dec 19th. I'm glad its out but then i cant wait till it starts back. yup NERRD...i know. AHH Its X-mas Eve, and i'm up waiting for Santa(gov. conspiracy) and bored out of my mind...oh Megan bought me Good Charlotte's Cd(Young and The Hopeless) isnt she awsome! awww...LYLAS!! its a great CD!!! :) Speaking of Music..i got a burnt copy Christna Aguilera cd Stripped, go out a get that cd! its one of my new favorite cds! Fighter is my Favorite Track on it! lol..Good Charlotte then Christina Aguliera...wow what a mixture. I love a variety of music! anyways...i'm going to go now...PEEAACCE...have a Happy X-mas. oh wait, if Santa shows up at ur house beat him to death w/ a Baseball Bat!!
12 - 24 - 02

Lets see...what has happened since the 10th? Oh yea the school Field Trip SUCKED SOO BAD!...it was hmmm..VERY boring! HMMM...nothing else has happned, oh last night Me,Brandon,and His Aunt..hmm i guess "hung out"..i think thats the words to use...but it was fun. :) My most Favorite thing about old ppl is they love to tell stories and i love to hear them tell them. Brandons aunt did that like the whole time. But it was cool. :) I had fun actually (do u believe me now Brandon??) Oh POOOO....this weekend i have to go to My Aunt Patty's house, and Me and My Sister(Jessica) have to decorate for X-mas and cook Snacks, for this lil family "get to gether" Sat. I'm SOO DREADING IT!! :( I dont want to go! but i have to Mother and Jessica told my Aunt that i would LOVE to go...yea riiggghhtt...Well i'll leave yall alone...for now that is...:)
12 - 17 - 02

okay..today...well i wasnt expecting what happened today. hehe..its funny how some things can slap u in the face...*sigh* lets see...i have a field trip tommorrow...YAY i'm soo EXCITED!!! but not really...my comp. class is going to some printing place and a Mexican rest.,...hmmm...i dont know if i'll eat...wow...this blog entry has probly got to be the most interesting one EVER!*sigh* god my brain is killing me, i just been thinking too much...hmmmm...i'm sorry...i'm going to go...good night everyone..
12 - 10 - 02

As u can tell i havent updated anything in quiet sometime...actually this is the 1st time i have even been here since Nov.20th...sorry.. but everything is going great! Hmmm, did yall have a good Thanksgiving day? lol...I didnt I hate Holidays, and i'm dreading X-mas, which is getting very close...anyways...We just got done taking the Exit Exam at school... :S I think i failed just about everything...oh well...boring stuff huh? lets see what all exciting things have happened the past few weeks...i went to the movies w/ my Aunt and Uncle and we saw 8 Crazy Nights, very good i liked it, kinda sad though. Then Last Fri. I agian went to the movies but w/ Megan, Brandon and Casey (which was weird feeling) i dunno...but we saw Die another Day..VERY good, Kick ass Car in it also! well i'm done w/ boring you to death, PEAACE!!!
12 - O8 - 02

Today has been, well its been a day. I felt like shit all day!Lets see the only good thing about today was well lunch but not the food! hehe...well i really dont know what to put for today. sorry.....
11 - 20 - 02

Well its FINALLY FRIDAY. and i feel GRRREEAATTT! hehe...its too late for me to be hyper! dude i just got done watching probly won on the best movies i have seen in about a year! it was Substitute 4:Failure is not an Option, have you seen? well its good, go rent it! :) well i'm going to go run all this energy off. so later! :P TONY THE TIGER LOVES YOU!
11 - 15 - 02

Dude i thought mondays sucked! Today felt like a mon. everyone was in a bad mood today, and seemed all depressed. ~yawn~ ive been bored all weekend.. i did nothing..loads of fun! and i'm getting sick agian..GREAT GOLDFISH! well i'm gone...
11 - 12 - 02

well today was almost okay..i really didnt do anything today except go to school. which well ive had better. I have felt like shit all day long....well i'm getting sleepy so i'm gone...
11 - 09 - 02

*sigh* Today has been a some day....let me tell you what happened. It wont take long trust me! Okay i woke...say round 10:30 am...okay i take a shower...then the afterwards the fun starts in! Yea loads of really! I start on my damn History homework! I Told u lots of fun! I'm still doing homework until about an hour ago! Yea...it was a great day! And now i'm soo freakin sleepy i could sleep for a week! So i'm going to go to bed now...god its so fuckin early too...:S....
11 - 05 - 02

OH GOD! TODAY SUCKED SOOO BAD...I DONT EVEN WANT TO BEGIN! okay..i woke up said 3 words and got grounded 2 more weeks...YAY thats 4 weeks now. got to school and well school wasnt bad till 3rd block...got home and guess what PARENTS SUCK! that was mostly my day....so good bye...
11 - 02 - 02