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--> PrettyLittleGothGirl

"...T'is an honour to see me, A favour to hear. T'is a privilege high to have dinner and tea, Along with the Red Queen, the White Queen and Me...."

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Contact Moi??

im indecisive & hot tempered, though it takes a lot to put me in a bad mood really.

i border on being either really loud and hyper or really laid back and reflective.

i travel quite a lot, like to go new places, meet new people and have new experiences.

im impulsive < which gets me into trouble sometimes.

im hott, really i am, i know i shouldnt admit that but, meh.

i love life. i love love. i love lust. probably more the latter.

To be honest.

Well here's my site at last. If you don't like me, well, then i don't like you either =P

Anywhom. This place is still under construction, so if you experience any problems at all with the site then please send me an email ASAP, and SuperMe will sort it out.

Name:: Eira Lloyd
Asl:: 18/F/UK
Sign:: Leo

What do you look for out of life:: passion, intensity, enjoyment, pleasure...

Got a quote:: "And thus i clothe my naked villany with old odd ends stol'n forth of Holy Writ; and seem a saint, when most i play the devil"

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