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Name: Kerby
Alias: None.
Age: 15
Hobbies: Roleplaying with Ryu, talking, sleeping, reading romance novels.
Favorite book: Heart's Prey
Favorite flower: red rose.
Favorite CD: Boomkatalog One
Favorite place: My room.
Favorite color: Black and red.

August 02, 2003

Yay!! I finally got to RP with Ryu. Oh yeah. I met Ryu's friend yesterday, Kayin. He was really cool. I liked him alot. Except I got kinda ed when he ragged on Ryu for his bisexuality. I mean, friends don't do that to one another. Ryu didn't seem phased by it though. He's cool like that. I had a weird dream too. I was an exchange student in England, and I met Ryu and Kayin. It was weird. Kinda freaked out by it too, when I woke up. And I think Kayin was trying to flirt with me. I don't mind in the least, but still. Oh well. I'll probably never talk to him again anyways. Damn..

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