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Don't worry I'm currently working on the site to make it look better, but my power has been out for two days because of storms so this is the first chance that i've had to really work on it. Thanks to Ike for the first set of pictures! I'll start scanning mine in soon, don't forget to send me any that you guys want put up. Oh, and if you guys want me to post an inside joke, links, or whatnot then let me know and ill write it in!

righttttt lets get naked... juice and have a threeway...handshake break it down freaks w/ a 4.0, i love being a freak, freakville phat farm and pf2k3 it makes me so angry that my brother has an anger management problem! who wants to play charades and get biffed? richard badasses hahahhahaha your mom frank sinatra, bourbon, ike/amazing yen respect Get in the game HIRSCH! Mike Ditka....Da Bears...Polish Sausage... Men...Men in gitis..Gitis..Gitis Remember to practice the ABC's...and D when it comes to safe sex. DO IT WITH SOMEONE YOU LOVE!!!

Hey everyone, please donate to the SAVE MIKE fund! Our fellow NYLF wants to drive from the sunshine state to visit us, but apparantly he "has no money." So either PF2k3 has to relase a number one hit or someone has start working those corners, unless of course we all just chip in. Just think, you could send a child to Illinois for just 10 cents a day! CALL NOW

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