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find myself.
Friday, 14 November 2003
Blah, blah, blah.
Ok, I'm tired of complaining at the moment so yeah...Let's talk about stuff!! YAY! Well yeah...I got a blog on Xanga. Don't hate me...*cowers and winces as if someone was about to hit me* Well yeah. It's coolio. *nods* I'm rather bored today. Nothing special going on. Let us all do a little dance! *does a little dance* Well enjoy your lives and make the most of them and find what your leash on life is. *nods* *waves*

Posted by freak2/passion0 at 1:52 PM
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Friday, 7 November 2003
My hunger for something more...
Lying in my bed, staring blankly out my window, telling all my sorrows to myself. That was how it was, that was how it remained for some time. Complaining was all I seemed to do. I felt trapped, imprisoned in my life, in routine. "Help me," I said. "Let me out of this cage. I need to be free." All of this I spoke aloud out my window to the stars. The stars. My listeners, my friends. My constant companions until I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep, and the sun rose once more. My friends disappeared. I was left alone. Well that was how I felt. Yes I do have friends, whom I cherish and care about, but not one feels as I did then. Not one even knows the agonizing pain. The battle I was having within myself. I was going through a realization that pained me oh-so-much. I was beginning to see the world, this life, as meaningless. No one understood. To them I was being overly dramatic. How, even to this day, I feel the need for something more. Give me something more. Help me out. Please, save me from this life of pure dull routine. Now I feel alright. I'm somewhere in between. Still I wonder if any feels as I did, and still do. It hasn't gone away, that feeling. Only buried itself deep within me. Now I wish to find something that interests me. Takes my attention and holds it. I escape only in books and movies. That may explain why I obsess so heavily on them. Babble on about the characters, some of which remind me so greatly of myself. They would understand. Why can't they exist? Why can't the be real outside of my imagination and on the movie screens? Do you have an answer for me? Do you feel the same? Does anyone? I have the feeling they do. The authors of those master pieces must put some, if only very little, of themselves into those magnificent characters. I need someone to tell these things to. These tormenting questions. This hunger for something more. Out there something awaits me. Something that seems within eyesight and yet, it's blurry. A deep fog covers that which I so greatly wish to see. I beg the sun to show me. To penetrate that mist, to make it clear what I need, what I want. Please....

Posted by freak2/passion0 at 6:01 PM
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Friday, 3 October 2003

Which Jhonen Vaquez character are you? By EmReznor.

Posted by freak2/passion0 at 7:11 PM
Updated: Sunday, 12 October 2003 8:37 AM
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Wednesday, 3 September 2003

You represent... hope.
You represent... hope.
You're quite a daydreamer and can be a hopeless
romantic. You enjoy being creative and don't
mind being alone at times. You have goals, and
know what you want in life... even if they are
a little far fetched.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by freak2/passion0 at 5:13 PM
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Monday, 1 September 2003
role playing!
do you role play? if ya do then you should check out these sites: first here is a great pirate rp site. its very fun and its not like other pirate rp sites. if you check it out you'll see what i mean....((there are vampires demons elfs and stuff like that)) the link is in my side bar. under not boring stuff. the other is an x-men rp site. its also very fun. you know about x-men. its mutants and stuff. ok so make sure to check them both out. and join! its fun. really. the x-men rp site's link is in the sidebar also but it doesn't work so here is the url: ok so check um out. :P

Posted by freak2/passion0 at 1:44 PM
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list of hotties (real people)
1. Orlando Bloom.
2. Johnny Depp
3. Brad Pitt
4. Hugh Jackman

Posted by freak2/passion0 at 1:37 PM
Updated: Monday, 10 November 2003 1:25 PM
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list of hotties (new)
1. Legolas(lotr) and Will Turner(Potc)
2. Jack Sparrow(Potc), Sands(Once upon a Time in Mexico), Roax(Chocolat)
3. Logan a.k.a. Wolverine (X-men 1 and 2)
4. Louis de Point du Lac (Interview with the Vampire)
5. Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview with the Vampire)

Posted by freak2/passion0 at 1:33 PM
Updated: Monday, 10 November 2003 1:29 PM
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Wednesday, 13 August 2003
quotes for thought.
k dudes and dudetts i'm addin a new section onto this thing. its a quote section. i'm gonna put some quotes here that i like. if i find anymore that i do then i'll put it here. tell me if ya have a quote that i might like... ok here they are:

If God lived on earth, people would break his windows.
Jewish Proverb

What if nothing exists and we're all in somebody's dream? Or what's worse, what if only that fat guy in the third row exists?
Woody Allen (1935 - ), "Without Feathers"

You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"

if life gives you lemons, then squeeze the juice into a squirt gun and spray it in peoples eyes.

well theres life theres death and then theres you...
me (i made this one! yay)

beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. -elenore roosevelt.

((i don't take credit for these unless i put my name underneath.))

Posted by freak2/passion0 at 10:23 AM
Updated: Wednesday, 10 September 2003 2:58 PM
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Tuesday, 12 August 2003
i am one obsessed chick...
logan is hot. and if you are reading this then i'm sure you already know that that is how i feel. ok here is my list of hotties:

1.logan ((duh))(x-men)
2.jack sparrow(pirates of the carabbiean)
3.louis(from interview with a vampire)
4. aragorn(lord of the rings)

Posted by freak2/passion0 at 12:59 PM
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