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My Life (How Original huh?)
Tuesday, 19 August 2003
WOW!!!...havnt been on in awhile...scools crazy
Wow, i totally forgot about this thing.haha. Not good, i've already done had my birthday, started school, and ended up having a surprise party thrown for me. CRAZYNESS!!! But anywho, School's pretty good, my classes seem fun, so it should be a good year, hopefully ::crosses fingers:: My birthday was good too, my parents took me out to dinner. And then that saturday they threw me a surprise party and all my friends were there, it was cool, except that i knew about it before hand. I figured it out and then asked my friend stephanie and she told me about it. And yea i think thats about it so far, Oh i got to see Freddy Vs. Jason w/ my BF!!! it was good! ill write more later 'cuz im tired.

Posted by freak2/paco at 10:44 PM EDT
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Sunday, 10 August 2003
It's Raining..It's Raining!!!!...but im in a good mood...even tho its 10AM! up REALLLY early! I planned on sleeping in today, cuz well its the last day to sleep in. But i got woke up today at like 9, and ive been up ever since, and for some reason im in a really good mood! I feel really awake and wanna go out and have fun..hehe. Hopefully today when my mom comes home from work she had a good day and we'll go shopping and i'll get to go get my hair dye. So uh, yeah...i dont know what else to say. Don't want to ramble too much. I think im going to go clean. ~!Peace!~

Posted by freak2/paco at 10:49 AM EDT
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Saturday, 9 August 2003
Dont wanna go to school!!!!...but today was fun :-P
Wow! School's really here, i dont wanna go back! One full day left! But on the plus, i got to go to my boyfriend John's today :-D...yay!! HEHE. It was fun..hehe. Well i duno what else to say, im just sitting here watching my dad and my friends mikey and Corey play GTA vice city. But im going to go and watch SNL. I'll write more later. ~!peace!~

Posted by freak2/paco at 11:32 PM EDT
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Tired..oh so tired
So i finally got this thing up and going. I saw these things everywhere, and i finally found out how to get one and one night i went to make one and it wouldnt let me make one, so i said screw it and left it at that and forgot about it. But tonight i remembered it and decided to give it another shot, and here i am. Today was a o.k day, i finally got my hair cut..yay. But that just means that schools a couple days away, ::groan::. I dont want to go back. Summer just wasnt long enough. But on the plus my birthday is in 4 days, YAY!! Sweet 16! Except for that im not doing anything. Eh, oh well, ill get over it. Well guess ill shut up for now, just wanted to make sure this thing worked for now, hehe.

Posted by freak2/paco at 2:27 AM EDT
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