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About Simple Browser Proxy
Simple Browser Proxy was derived from a wish for an easy to use proxy that didn't require any installation or odd programs to be running. Thus, SBP isn't meant to be used by someone who wants/requires total anoniminity. For example, images are not fetched by SBP; rather, the path to them is simply expanded and your browser still fetches them normally.[Future versions will fetch images].
SBP uses Snoopy 1.0 as it's web client although the plan is to write our own class to tailor to our own, specific needs. Snoopy is, however, a very good option and have not found any limitations to date. Having worked with Snoopy I would certainly recommend it to others who are contemplating other options as I have tried those and ended up with Snoopy. Another successful choice was in picking PHP Layers Menu System, which we use as part of our navigation system. Although there was a close competitor, Milonic's DHTML Nav Menu, PHPLayersMenu seemed to be a bit further along in it's production at the time. I have no intention of ever writing a unique javascript menu class for SBP as it is way too time consuming.

SBP fetches any URL which is it passed and completes any relative URLs and embeds it's own menu. Use is as simple as, for example: would fetch Google's frontpage. SBP doesn't complete/correct anything you pass through it so, depending on the server's setup, it may or may not accept URLs such as SBP's server accepts '' but not ''. For some common questions and possible answers check out SBP's public forums or SBP's FAQ. If all else fails feel free to contact us here.

SBP will run on any OS that there is a suitable version of PHP for. SBP specifically will run on rather old versions of PHP, however, we run 4.3.2 so, for now, that is the only version that we will guarantee. We are pretty sure that Snoopy and PHPLayersMenu will also run on older versions but we couldn't find a cut off in any other their documentation. If users find that SBP won't run on certain version we encourage them to report back to us so that we can post that information here/fix it.

IV.--Installation & Setup
To install SBP simply copy all the files included in the release to a web accessable directory on your server. You're DONE.
Although the default configuration will work I acknowledge that some may wish to change some settings. [Configuration File]
---$default_url is the URL that will be opened should no URL be given.
---$title_tag will be prepended onto each viewed page's title.

---$user_agent is the browser to spoof.
---$user_referer is the page SBP will say you came from.

layersmenu-sbp.txt: [structure/data for the javascript menu]
---Pretty straightforward format with no limitations on the number of entries.
---For more information on configuring the javascript menu go here.

V.--License and Copying
Simple Browser Proxy is released under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. If you are unsure what that entitles you to please read the included file 'LICENSE' or check out their website. Although I would like credit if you use any code I wrote I understand/don't care if you forget me. I would, however, be interested in getting an email telling me what project it was used in but, it's not required. The only request that I make is that if you use some of my code, and make it better, let me know so that I can incorporate your changes.

VI.--Goals and the Future
In a time where employers, schools, spouses and advertisers are paying more and more attention to what we do online there is a distinct need for privacy. SBP's future is preventing most 'simple' methods of monitoring someone's browsing activities. SBP is NOT intended to be absolute when it comes to securing one's privacy. SBP will prevent those who wish to monitor us from knowing the sites we visit and those sites from knowing what we use to browse, where we came from or any distinguishing information.
As SBP travels along it's development path, privacy and security will continue to grow but any new features will only be included if it still allows for true 'copy and go' installation. Simplcity of installation and use is the SBP's main function.