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Reachout 2002 ROCKED and I FINALLY got the pics scaned and stuff. enjoy!

Jason aka JP. part of senoir class at Woodlane school (my 2002 mission). that's the "gobbstopper" award. we won! go group 5!

Todd is holding the fish that me and Paul caught! we got the biggest one! (we rock) I've never been fishing before or since and that's the only fish I caught! you can see jeromy and few others in the background

nic pushs one of the teachers at the school on the box cars. That was one of the funnest days in my life. i love these kids! and nothing like nic and dave's jokes all through lunch ex.I'm like butter I'm on a roll....well maybe they where funny b/c we where just that deprived of sleep lol~!

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