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these all all quotes that my friends have said so beware of ...

"daddy this green apple tastes funny!"..."elizabeth honey that's a pear"~Lyzz


"If life gives you lemons, WING EM BACK AND ADD SOME ROCKS!" ~dan austin

" OMG This guy is so your like rock solid...Lyzz that's a wall...what's a wall...well what ever it is it's hotter then you!~Lyzz (gotta love her!)

"but her ass is striped"~ Mel...come you know you want me baby! lol jk


"Hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers and blue moons, pots of gold and rainbows, and the red ballown"~sami :P

I HATE boy dogs too...they pee weird.~KT

"Have you seen the new pirate movie yet?'s rated rrrr!" ~ Dave

She's so prepy the preps don't even like her~ Meg

Then you relize what your squezzing is A...." ~jodie of avalon lol kt!

"DANMIT JAY!" ~ the band :-p

"piss...we should start a conga line!"~lyzz during my church service...hey next Sunday little cups and pita bread lol!

TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OFF! wait that prolly sounds bad oming from the youth pastor!"~ my youth pa

"You EVIL PEDESTAN! ~ KT (gotta love kt radom sayings!

" for all you blondes you'll get that in a few years~Shaun Groves...(by the way KT a blonded didn't get that joke might I add

"Do you girls need some help?"~ that lady on me and KT's walk lol

"I've got the whole world IN MY PANTS I got the whole world IN MY PANTS..." ~Dan Austin

"what he's GAY? no way...he were's glitter? cool! what if a guys 'in touch with his famine side'...I mean you could barrow your boyfriends lip gloss! lol" mel talking about jason

"HEY COWS!"~amber!

"I'm like butter I'm on a ROLL!"~ Nicky nic R.O. 2002

"hey Jimmy"~nic again

"hey sexy" ~ mel

"one time at band camp..."

"one time in the PERCUSSION CLOSET...!"

"you better tell me that that was NOT that WHOLE cake that just fell on the piano!" ~mr. lebeau (and unfortatly I did knock the whole cake off the piano down the side of it in to the cubbies :-p )

"ET phone Home!"

"Where's the FOOTBALL come from?" ~sami 

"Burn Baby BURN"~ KT...hehe burning stuff is fun! :)

"why do all the hott guys beat up the KC Royals 1st base couch" ~lyzz

"the tailban and there damn Aaron diseases!" ~lyzz (RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN)
