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All The places for a band member to be...

in the middle of a rain storm

on a scorching field

in a freezing band room

surrounded by friends

near all the instruments

out of time

on top of the world

at school too early in the morning or to late at night

too close to the percussionists

too close to the trombone

crammed in the band room

on a crowed bus with out a bath room

up against an obstacle

rushing to class

Late to class

between two other band members

up a creek without a paddle




everywhere at once




out of mind

up too late

someplace you shouldn't be


waiting for a ride

somewhere with in about 3 octaves

close to or to far from home

in the stands

stomping through a mud puddle

in the wrong seat

in the wrong room

on the wrong page

in the wrong set

on the wrong foot

off pitch

at the wrong metronome marking

off the beat

in the middle of a fermata

behind in the score

down in the count

out of that unbearably hot gym

in a snowstorm with your instrument

across a snow-covered field

taking over someone else's seat

at the coffee machine

seat less because someone stole yours

out of sight

off the record

in the phone book

out of whack

out of tune

above all those OTHER bands

behind the football team

behind in practice

below the fans

on a FIVE-minute break

in competition

back in the warm school

a long way from victory

going down in history

waiting along the edge of the field

in the right place at the wrong time

on stage

in the middle of a solo

waiting for your cue

missing your cue

trying to catch up

in the middle of a song

interrupting rehearsal

in the percussion closet

in the flag closet

in uniform

On stage


Go Revere BAND!!!!!

