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Welcome to my empty void

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My Poems, Songs,Fav Quotes and Stories

My Poetry
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Hey people! I am making this site for a place to post my poems,songs,and just to have something to do. Hopefully I will actually work on this one instead of letting it get deleted like my other one. I just didn't seem to have the time. I go to Heights Highschool in Wichita Kansas and although I don't really hate this school it still is boring as hell. Well I suppose I will write in here who I am my name is Heather and I am 16 years old. I have red hair and green eyes. I am a sophmore and I am currently flunking I think about every class that I have. I am also a cutter not the most glamourous thing in the world but it keeps me going I guess. Well I think that is all I'll let you know right now if you want to contact me my email is and my sn in aol is Sour 6 Teen. LATER!!! *Note I will try and add new poems and songs every week but if I cannot then I apoligize.