Nightshade's Fetus Nursery

"Meet My Fetus Family!"

2004 Fetuses
2005 Fetuses
Dragon Nursery
About Me





To be honest, I never thought I could love a fetus. That was before I found Fetus Mart, though. At first, I just visited the site because I thought that it would be fun. When I got there, however, I just couldn't believe how cute the little buggers were! And there were so many to choose from. I just decided that I was going to adopt as many as I could.

That created a problem for me though, because these little guys can only exist in cyberspace. Out here in our world, they are nothing more than /<img> and some lines of code. It occurred to me that building a regular nursery for them was not going to work. So, I decided to build this cyber-nursery. In it I can keep all of my sweet little fetuses warm, happy and dry.

I can't even remember what life was like before my fetuses came along. Keep checking back because I'm going to keep adopting. I'm hoping Fetus Mart will keep stocking new breeds. Please be sure to check out my dragon adoptees as well. While not as cute as my fetuses, they are still pretty cute.

Thank you Fetus Mart, for giving me a reason to get out of bed in the morning!

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Please contact Lady Nightshade with any questions or comments.

© 2004-2005 Lady Nightshade.

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