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"Dizzy moon, dizzy moon . The dream is over. Dizzy moon, dizzy moon . The dream is dead ." - Transister, "Dizzy Moon"


Welcome to the pack page of the Night Birds.

The Night Birds are a pack of Black Spiral dancers devoted to the service of the Wyrm and their bane totem Whippoorwill. They have been sent to Mesa de Oro, Georgia to establish a Pit and a Hive. The pack was hand picked from the Los Angeles Griffith Park Hive to fulfill the role of reconaissance, insinuate itself into the area, its local power structure, and ultimately ensure the expansion of the tribe into new areas.

Werewolf: the Apocalypse and the related books, source materials, logos, graphics, artwork, and icons are copyrighted works of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. The players of pack Night Birds make no claim to any copyrighted or trademarked works of White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
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The Hive
Pack Members
Infessura_Sfortza (Deceased)
Caoine_Crawford (Alpha)
Joshua_Donnenbraugh (Deceased)
Casey_Faulkenburg (Deceased)
Katsitsanóron_Valerie_Simon (Missing In Action)
Submission Form
Pack Legends
Father's Will