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Sayings....Dont get smart off of me!

1.Yes the pain came, but u cant dodge the pain either.

2.Sometimes its just best to say, Fuck You, leave me alone.

3.Yes Coke, no, not coke!hehe

4.Dont play i didnt know with me...

5.I dont mind if u wont mind that I dont mind.

6.Ahhh...the final hours....

7.Its great when u have to itch it the other way...:)

8.Somewheres i dont know, is somewheres my dog runs to.

9.My brain itches!!!!!

10.If i didnt have this knee in my way, i could hack better.

11.Sometimes, the sky says im stupid cause i dont realize that its going to fall on me. :(:)

12.*sigh* happens. and then shit happens.

13.The war packs a fight the size of a dog. The dog packs a fight the size of a war.

14.Annoynomusball....its fun, i swear it is..

15.Life Sucks Big Harry Balls.

16.Harrys on pot, and the sorccer is stoned.

17.I dont know wat makes u so dumnb, but its really working!

18.Dont keep it all bottled up inside.

19.People Suck.

20.Well at least it wasent me.

21.The walls have ears you know....

22.A strong amount of spunk can go a long way.

23.NOOO!!! not the mongoosi!!!!!!!