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These dont count anyways, cause im sure that no1 cares about them anyways....

todays day: 1. y do ppl always choose me as their friends!?!??!?!?!??!?!??!??!

2.Never think that nothign is worth living for, or it woulda never been created in the first place, sometimes its just the best thing to talk about it first.. im sure itll work out after that.

3.Today sucked so much u have no fucking idea....and it was a snowday even...!!!

4. Fuck, happyness is so hard to accomplish, but happyness is something thats worth it to me. so i can still keep trying on it. i dont know how long itll last for me. im guessing not that long. but im still here and im trying. thats good enough, right?

5.Alright, my foot is fucked up, and the angels are laughing already. well they at least know wats comming cause i do. come every fucking time i do something that some1 has said that i cant doesnt matter to them when i achive it?! it really makes no sense to me when i become the worthless shit that did wat he was told that he couldnt!