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My Little Space

Here is some stuff about lil' ol' me...kinda.


My Dear friend Eric passed away recently. He was an absolutely amazing preson, and I can't believe he is gone. He was 19. My Chico. I wish I could tell you all what he meant to me and how wonderful he really was. My love for my friend is undying. I love you Eric Louis Matthews.



Hey-o all! It's me, Kylie. I just finished a year at Community College and I am currently at Grand Valley State University. I will be majoring in Marine Zoology or Biopsychology. I'm 20 and begining to feel very old in my neighborhood of 5 year-olds. I recently returned from touring Europe with an international choir. It rocked! I worked at Sea World in San Antonio for a week during spring break. Some day, some beautiful day, I am going to work there. Well.....Ah! My Face! rocks!!!

Thank you all for comming to my little web page. You are all a blessing to me. Thank you for being a part of my life. God bless you.


Ah! My Face! is absolutely awesome!!!!!.

Ah! My Face!


Nifty quizies


Which Spike Quote are You? (now with more quotes!) by azalago
Spike QuoteOh, someone put a stake in me.
Quiz created with MemeGen!


Your Husband Generator by Lady_Galadriel
Your Husband Is
You Metin the womens toilets
You Have8 children
You Livegreece
Ina normal semi-detached house
You And Your Partner Are Best Known Fornaming your children/pets the most ridiculous names EVER
Quiz created with MemeGen!
Mmmm...try typing in Anna....yum

Your Johnny Depp family by cerulean_dreams
Your Username
What he will wear on your wedding
You will name your sonJacob Cole
You will name you daughterJessica Lee
This is your dog
His name isRoux
You will live inHawaii
Are you happy?muahahahaha
Quiz created with MemeGen!

This is my results from a fun quiz I took at

You Are Sam From "Benny & Joon."

You are very talented at physical comedy. People are in awe of your abilities. However, you have many quirks which can either win people over or completely annoy them. But you're a sweetheart through and through, and it's hard not to love you.

Take The Johnny Depp Quiz!

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Ah! My Face!
Homestar Runner
Boink! The band
Five Iron Frenzy
Brave Saint Saturn
For Will( and anyone elso who wants to read it)
Johnny Depp Fans
Orlando Bloom Fans
For Eric
Good Charlotte
pic comparison
MADE clothing
Level 27 clothing