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Kristin's Page

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Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Kristin Lynn

Nicknames: Kris, Krissy, and Princess

Parent's names: Mark and Teri

Birthplace: Greensboro, N.C

Current Residence: Greensboro

Where do you wish you lived: somewhere near the beach
where the temp never goes above 90 or below 70

Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: no one
loves me enough to get me a cake... but if they did, 20

Date that you regularly blow them out: Dec 28

Sisters: 1, Meggie poo

Brothers: 0

Best Friend(s): Rachel

Pets: 2 dogs: Max and Puppy 2 cats: Farfigneugan and
Liberachy and 1 turtle: Secks

Height: 5'6

Hair Color: Brown with blonde highlights

Eye color: blue

Tattoos: No

Would you ever get one? thinkin about it

Do you have any piercing's? ears and bellybutton

Scars: a couple, I burnt my wrist with grease

Do you go to school? unfortunately

Where?: Good Times

Do you work? yup

What's your mom do? stuff

What's your dad do? General Contractor and runs a plant at night

Best Advice You've Gotten: I'm usually the one giving advice.
Usually I figure things out on my own and when people give me advice
I usually already know it.

Have You Ever:

Been in love? Yea, it happens quite often actually

Broken up with somebody: yes

Been broken up with? uh huh

Been hurt by the opposite sex: oh yeah

Been out of the US? Bahamas

Been on a cruise: to the Bahamas

Been toilet-papering? not that i remember

Been toilet-papered? nope

Loved somebody so much it made you cry? YES

Tried a cigarette: yeah

Gotten a speeding ticket: yup just 1

Word Association:

RUBBER GLOVES: cavity search

LOVE: John

ROCK: music

GREEN: with envy

KISSING: tongue

PMS: ugh

WET: pool, beach

CRY: one too many times

PEANUT BUTTER: and jelly

PINK: baby girls

PICNIC: romantic

HAY: hillbillies love in the haaayyyy


Salad Dressing: hate salad

Color of socks: white

Memory: too many to name

Place to be kissed (keep it clean): back of my neck

Movie (only one!): Torque (Don't ask)

Quote from a movie: Slater: This place used to be off limits man 'cause some drunk freshman fell right down the middle smacking his head on every beam man. Autopsy said he only had one beer, how many did you have? Mitch: Four. Slater: You're dead man, you're so dead. -Dazed and Confused

Favorite Holiday: Halloween

Favorite Toothpaste: Crest (Icy Lemon)

Day of the Week: Friday and Saturday

Perfume/Cologne: Ralph Lauren Romance

Song at the moment: Must be doin something right- Billy Currington

TV show: Sex and the City

Hotel: ummm......something with a spa

Word: prolly sumthin made up

Least Favorite Word: nigger and GD

Toothbrush: I have no friggin idea, but I like Medium bristles

One pillow or two: 4

Adidas or Nike: both

Nike or Reebok: Nike

Adidas or Reebok: adidas

Color: baby blue

Restaurant: Outback

Flower: roses or orchids

Alcoholic Drink: sour apple martini

Sport to Watch: baseball

Shape of Ice: little so I can chomp them

Love Song: I've got quite a few... I melt, any love song by Garth Brooks, All I want to be is your man

Rap Song: I hate Kanye West, but I love Gold Digger

Rock Song: figured you out

Country Song: see above

Zoo Exhibits: mmh I like the puffins but I prolly like the sea otters the most

Sesame Street Character: Elmo

Disney Character: Princess Jasmine

Fast- Food Restaurant: chick-fil-a

Random Questions

The most common use for Vaseline: for me...I dont use it chapped lips I guess

Are you over your last crush/love? workin on it

Do you have a current one? naw

What do you really think of Britney Spears: I respect her to some extent. I think no one should be that rich though.

When was ur last hospital check in? i have no clue

Favorite Names: Alicia Cozette, Maylin, Kristalyn (girl), Jacob Drake (boy)

Do You Drink? sometimes... not very often at all

What color is your bedroom carpet? beige

What color are the walls? pink

What's on your bedspread: right now, me

What was the name of your childhood blanket? Banky

What are your true feelings towards the opposite sex?: Most of the time they make me wish that I was a lesbian

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: sooo many possibilities, pastry chef? Somebody's mommy.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? nope

Make 3 Wishes: never ending happiness, a perfect guy just for me, and physical and mental perfection.

Which store would you choose to Max your credit card?: Geez... there are a few prolly Abercrombie, Williams Sonoma, or a funiture store

What do you do most often when you are bored? bitch

What type of a car do you wish you were driving right now?: new maserati

What words or phrases do you overuse?: like

Name the person that you miss the most: dead: my grandfather alive: John

Most annoying thing is: When someone says something to you and you don't hear it, and you ask them what they said, and they wont tell you.

Funniest thing: depends on the situation

Humiliating Moments: I sat on a melty chocolate chip cookie, I ran over a big log, theres prolly a few more

days 'til I turn 21!

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