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Lelo's Web Page

The Chicas

This is a web page of all my friends and what they mean to me. I have Samantha Jayes, Jessica Karnes, Lindsay Clark, Sharon Goossen, and myself. On this web page I will have the following: My friends birthdays, their horoscope and their sign.

Lindsay Katherine Clark. Born on March 20th 1985. Pisces, born on the cusp of Pisces and Aries, you benifit form the influence of both signs. Idealisticly and purposeful, you are able to turn your imaginative ideas to a practical use. Although, you are sensitive, ambitious, and multitalented, you aim to achieve a great deal. Astute and reveptive, you have the ability to come straight to the point of a matter. Your strong urge for self-expression, however, may be challenged by your doubts and worries. In order to achieve your dreams, you need to trust your own decisions regardless of financal obsticales. The added influence of our Sun in the decanates of and Aries points to your intuitive ability to pick up on hidden agendas very quickly and your desire to get to the bottom of things. When you feel positive, you can be self-assured, daring, and bold, with original and inspired ideas. Although you often appear a light and cingenial, a closer look reveals a more serious side that may be intersted in the study of more unusual, philosophical, or spiritual subjects.
Although you are able to achive much through your unique qualities, learning to use your charm and diplomatic skills will enhance your chances for success. Your interest in people shows your natural humanitarian qualities. Partnerships or working as a part of a team can often play an important role in your advancement.
Until you reach the age of 30 your progressed Sun moves through Aries, suggesting that you gradually develop your ambitious plans along with your confidence. You may wish to pioneer or expierment with new pursuits. At the age of 31 you encounter another turning point as your Sun enters Taurus. After this time you become more practical and security-conscious, with a greater desire for luxuries and beauty. From the age of 61, when your progressed Sun enters Gemini, you develop a heightened interest in communication and the exchange of ideas.This is Lindsays wonderful future. It is all planned out for her. Just kidding.

Samantha Elizabeth Jayes. She was born on April 22nd 1985 in Sacromento California. She is a Taurus.
This birthdate reveals you to be a clever and sociable, a confident and charming individual with many natural gifts. Leadership ability comes from being secure in what you know as well as an ability to understand different types of people. you have a quick mind that is likely to enjoy wit,debate, or remorese, and you can be an excellent critic. Usually you posses the courage to speak your mind regaurdless of the repercussions, and you like to be direct and honest. With the double influence of your Taurus decanate, you are a strong sensualist who needs to give and recieve affection. Appreciating color, art, and beauty, you have a strong creative flair and enjoy luxury. You may have to be careful, however, of enjoying then too much and opening yourself up to induldgence in all its many forms. Nevertheless, you are usually a good evaluator of financial matters and anything concerning material security.
You generally have big plans and an ability to view the whole, which makes you a good organizer and liaison person between different groups. You can be generous and understanding with those you love. However, you may have to gaurd against a tendency to become too obstinate or self-willed. You have set high standards for yourslef and generally believe that actions speak louder than words. By applying self-discipline, you can achieve remakeable results.
Up to the age of 28 you are likely to be concerned with the values, whether personal or momentary. After the age of 29, when you progressed Sun moves into Gemini, there is likely to be an emphasis on education and learning new skills. The world of communication in general may play a more inportant part in your life. This will continue until the end of your 50's, when your progressed Sun enters Cancer. At this poin there is a shift of emphasis toward your feelings and the growing importance of emotional security, at home, and family

Jessica Lynn Karnes. Born in Austin Minnesota on January 5th 1985. She is a Capricorn.
Your Capricorn birthday shows you to be a carasmatic, loyal, and hardworking individual who, with a worthwhile goal or sense of purpose, can be extremely dedicated. Practical and down to earth, when faced with setbacks you develop tremendous endurance to carry on and are capable of great sacrifice. This birthday bestows extraordinary potential but also suggests theinfluence of extremes; very universal and detached, or depressed and overserious.
The supporting influence for your decanate ruler, Tarsus, gives you a charm and creative abilities. Your prominent social skills ensure an ease at interrelating with those around you. Enjoying the good things in life, you prefer to be in a harmonious or even luxurious surroundings. Unconventional and aware of image, you like to be well groomed and often have an orginal way of dressing.
Possessing good organizaional skills, you work better when you think positively and have a plan of action. you benefit from investing effort in project that are long-lasting, and you should avoid dubious get-righ-quick schemes. You have a strong inclination for adventure and travel and may even settle away from your native home.
After the age of 16, when your progressed Sun moves into Aquarius, you become less traditional and more independent, with growing desire to express your individuality. Friendship, group affairs, or humanitarian issues my start to play a stronger role in your life. Another turing point occurs at the age of 46, when your progressed sun enters Pisces. From this time, there is an increased emphasis on your enhanced sensitivity and feelings. At the highest level you will be seeking a mysical or spiritual connection, but on a mandane level this may result in confusion or daydreaming. You will become more receptive and imaginative and may expierence an urge to develop or appreciate creative gifts.

Sharon Rose Goossen she is an Aquarius. This is what is says about her future. With good communication skilled and inventive ideas, you are an original and talented Aquarian with a sense of the dramatic. Your strong character indicates that you take pride in your work but dislike being subservient positions. Dilligent and dependable, with a creative approach, you enjoy being part of asscications or groups where you can play a leading role.
With the subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Libra, you are sociable, charming, and able to interrelate with people from all social circles. A natural diplomacy and good sense of values can also help in your overall success, since it gives you excellent bagainig o negotiating skills. With your orgianal approach , awareness of image, and love of beauty, you may wish to express your individuality through literary or artisic pursuits. Possessing a strong need for love and affection, feel that relationships are very important.
Astute ans with a keen eye, you have a capacity for precise thinking that implies you are capable of analyzing issues of depth. A natural rebel and also a humanirain, you are willing to fight for the right of others and give support to an idealistic cause. Although you prefer to deal with people in a direct forthright way, you may have to gaurd against being bossy or too verbally sharp.
While you are between the ages of 7 &36, when you progresses Sun moves through Pisces, your emotional sensitivity and you develop a stronger sense of vision. Your feelings may encourage you to seek idealistic, creative, or spiritual goals. After the age of 37, when your progressed Sun moves to Aries, you haev a need to be more assertive, active, and directive in your daily affarirs, possibly pioneering new ventures. At the age of 67 there is another turning point as your pogressed Sun enters Taurus, accenting a need for more financial stability and security and a love of nature.

Leslie Michelle Lomack The Virgo virgin. Your birthday shows you to be an industrious idealist with analytical skils, an active imagination, and powerful emotions. The unique combination of personal magnetism, communication skills, and determining give you a creative flair for combining business and pleasure.
The double influence of Mercurey implies that clarity of vision and an ability to assimilate and analyze the smallest details. Usually articulate and discreet, you like to make up your own mind by methodical deduction. By refining and discriminating, you achieve exellence; just be carefun that your pursuit for perfection does not turn into negative criticism and selfrigheousness.
You have an appreciation of beauty and luxury and are likely to posses a good voice. It is through to use your dynamic love, poiwer enthusiam, and generosity that you can charm and impress others. At times you can me obstinate, withdrawn, or moody, challenging others to understand the many different facent of your personality.
Broad-minded, with a natural business sense, you communicate your values and show interest in money issues. Nevertheless, you possess an abundance of feelings and grand dreams.
A desire to transcend oridinary, mundane life may possibly manifest as an interst in metaphysical, mystical, or relegious subjects. Sinve you throw yourself wholeheartedly into a project if interested, you may have to be carefun not to exhaust yourself by working too hard. Your progressed Sun moves into Libra for a 30 year period when you reach the age of 22. From this time you gradually become more aware of the improtance of your social relationships and partnerships. Your creative abilities and sense of harmony are enhanced and you may be drawn to develop any latent musical, artistic, or literary interests. At the age of 52 you reach another life turning point as your progressed Sun enters Scorpio. This brings a strong emphasis on a deeper need for emotional change, making more self-reliant and in control.
This is my web page. I hope all who view it like it.