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I am going to document my steps in setting up this tank, which in the future will be home of what has quickly became almost an obsession of mine.............Mbuna!

(12/10/02) Step #1 was (and is continuing to be) me looking at every site on the 'net that is even remotely related to Cichlids, trying to absorb info....asking questions......taking notes......

(12/20/02) Step 2 was deciding that I HAD to get a big tank or the outcome was not going to be what I wanted and I would be disappointed and buying a bigger tank in no time. So here it is......a 120 gal. tank. It looks sort of sad sitting there on the table, waiting for it's stand to be finished.

Unfortunately, that's as far as I have got so far. I am working on the stand, researching filter systems, and trying to compile a list of fish I want and can live together......wish me luck! *LOL*

..(1/5/03).............OK, my stand is coming along nicely.......

295 lb. of rock.........
And to handle the rock, I added eggcrate to the tank.......
Not a huge step....but still a step, was adding the blue to dark blue fade background. I changed my mind a thousand times on this.....",, blue.........". But I finally settled on blue, obviously. I went with the blue mostly because my stand is going to be black, my rocks are rather dark and I may go with a moderately dark substrate.........I decided the black may be too much. I am not shooting for "The Gothic Death Tank" (Sorry about all of the reflections in the pic)