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The Street Fight!!

You Disgust Me!!

Misfit It's Me!! Member Misfit!!!


people mentioned in this rp: Whoever the hell I want!!
Member of: IFW's: AXE
Quote: You Disgust Me!!!!!!

The scene opens up with the camera inside of the arena. It is showing Nick Bishop's debut and how much the crowd is still cheering. But the crowds cheers slowly change into boos as....

[-|-Trapt's Headstrong-|-]

Misfit stays on the stage and taunts from one side of the stage to the other. The entire crowd boos and the whole arena echoes with boos. Misfit doesn't leave the stage, however, he stays there and pulls a mic out of his back pocket.


Aww shut the hell up! {Boos Louder} I said shut the hell up!! You know what?!? Screw you guys I am still gonna talk over you sumbitches. I am so friggin' mad at the moment. I just found out that I am facing B.T. Baldwin tonight in a Street Fight. {Crowd Cheers} Oh so now you cheer when I mention some cowards name who uses heights as a weapon. Well B.T. use whatever you want cause tonight it's all bout me, baby. And when this DISGUSTING world sees me pin your ass 1..2..3, and I spit in your face that's when I shall feel better. And B.T. you better tell your lil miss bitch, Trinity to stay outta the way cause you know "accidents" can happen big guy, and trust me I am good at making accidents. So now that I've talked bout it I am going to go train. And for everyone who hates me... YOU DISGUST ME!!!!!

Misfit then drops the mic with a huge THUUD. The crowd boos him all the way until he is out of the arena.

End Scene

OOC Note- I made a new layout all by MYSELF! LoL Please don't steal it unless you ask for my permission on the OOC Board. Thanks.

You Disgust Me!!