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For My CrAzY Friends

I decided to make a website completely devoted to all the memories i have with my friends so they know that i care about them more than anything in this world (except not more then penguins). So here are some memories. Most of you won't know or care about half of what i write on here. If thats the deal with you, i'm sorry, you may exit to your left ;). This is for the people who have kept me sane throughout this year, the people who are the reason that i have been in such a good mood, the people who helped me realize that i can overcome my petty problems and be happy. So, ENJOY! or leave.

The Church Kids


We have so many quotes and memories, mainly because the four of us are so wacky! Tiffany likes to talk, Chris just always has something funny to say, Aaron..well he's AARON SINGLETERRY! (hahah) and me, i spaz out easily. Together we always have a great time no matter what it is we're doing, but playing spades is our main thang, and...yeah, here are our memories as of yet...

The West Virginia Trip
-Sean Kozo's lies that almost gave Aaron a heart attack
-The cold showers ...oh wait MINE wasn't cold..hahahahaha...
-Chris and Aaron screaming while taking the cold showers
-We rolled up our pants to start a new trend when we went into Old Country Buffet
-"P" to the fifth power (poor Chris)
-"Spitty" Malabanan
-Spades to the death! or at least until the lady told us to go to sleep because you know we needed a bedtime
-"I'll cut you ...with a spade!"~Tiffany
-::points finger at Chris:: "DAH! DAH! DAH!"~Me and my frustration
-"If you play Blind Six, how do you know what card to put down?"~Me...
-"Yeah, uh..i was wondering the same thing but i didn't want to sound stupid.." the truth comes out, eh? hehe
Summertime Fun
-Chris had to practically hunt Aaron down for his phone number so it was possible to keep in contact with him over the summer
-My pool party
-Chris distracted Aaron so that i could get that great photo of him shirtless with tennis shoes and high socks... funny how he put his shirt on last, almost as if he was showing off for the camera, hmm? hahahah just kidding
-"I'm not large, my fingernails have a lot of mass!" ~Chris
-"He's just a waste of space!" ~Me, talking about some loser i know...i'll never live that quote down, but really the guy has proclaimed it himself that he is making no progress in life other then getting closer to death, so he really IS a waste of space!!
-Thong shopping with Chris at Bowie mall
-"Well, you do have the build of a Polynesian man." ~Tiffany
-Tiffany mistaking a red light for a stop sign
-"Man, I just wanna...make love to that MDX! Baby you like it when i stroke you like that?"~Chris making sexual motions towards my dad's SUV.. i'm a bit worried..
-Six Flags America!
-Superman coaster in the front seat THREE TIMES!!! and once in another seat. but the most fun was when we rode in the front. because then we could see clearly over that steep drop and i really thought we might die each time. that was great.
-Me: (Talking about "Two-Face Flip Coaster" ride) "Wouldn't it be cool if they had two cars running at the same time?" Aaron:"...yea so they could collide and everyone would die?!"
- Later that day... Me: (talking about the "Tower of Doom" ride..) "Wouldn't it be fun if they didn't catch you at the end?" Aaron: ::gives me a weird look:: I will never EVER go to ANY amusement park designed by you..." (Smart guy)
-Bingo and making the younger kids do our work for us
-Getting lost in NorthWest D.C.
-Eating at the Ethiopian restaurant
-When i coasted through the red light at two miles an hour
-Almost hitting a very large SUV head on while attempting to make a left turn (I HATE LEFT TURNS)
-I provided entertainment for everyone in the car by totally freaking out (i think i scared you all a bit too..hehe)
-Chris and I won at Spades!! (no need to point out how many times we lost, the important thing is that we won!! and we will again!!)
-Chris set off the alarm at his dorm hall and Tiffany, Aaron, and I ran
-"So, if the Ethiopian calendar is 7 years behind ours, that means that they can still sing the song 'Party Like it's 1999'!!!" ~Chris
-Hopping the curb like it wasn't there while trying to find a parking spot at the theater in Alexandria (Virginia sucks!!!!)
-my BeAuTiFuL parking job when we finally found a space (the picture didn't turn out quite so grand)
-What was even prettier was the car next to me who was parked right up against the cement of a light post
-"The more i think about it, the happier it makes me, because you know that person didn't come to the movies alone, so there was someone sitting in the passenger side of that car who couldn't get out" ::laughes::~Aaron, who likes to take joy in the misfortune of others..hahaha..
-"Driving with you gives me a new appreciation for life" ~Aaron... he said it was supposed to be a good thing, so i believe him, even if he did compare me to a virus...
-Tiffany and Aaron were CHEATING at spades so i had to take the liberty of covering their eyes =p
-Tiffany, Aaron, and their mental games that made me freak out during a certain Spades game...
-Chris:"So Megan, how many books do you think we could get?" Me: "I dunno, maybe five?" Chris:"Five? you sure? how bout we go seven. We're going seven." Me: "Alright." Aaron:::looks at Chris::"You're like Hitler!"
-"I was okay, I had never ridden with a crazy person before." ~Chris talking about when i totally went postal while everyone laughed at me when we were driving through D.C.
-"It wouldn't be as fun if you didn't freak out." ~Aaron
-The four of us sat around just talking for five hours... no games or nothin, just talking and showing off the Senior Fall Sports DVD where Aaron fell..hahah..
-"Man, why am i doing Pre-Med? It's too hard, that's it, i'm changing to...culinary arts!!" ~Chris
-"Are you trying to make people cry when you read at mass?"~Me, about Aaron reading at mass (i think he is trying to make us cry...damnit.)
-"Man he's so great, i just wanna give him a standing ovation after he says 'The word ::long pause:: of the Lord'!"~Chris, about Aaron reading at mass
-Everytime Aaron enters the room, Chris gives him a standing ovation... I get the evil eye if i even consider doing it =p
-Aaron ran a red light in Georgetown. hahahah. i woulda loved to have been there to see it happen. of course then i would have freaked out.
-"I don't want to run a red light because everyone runs a red light their first time driving in places like this."~Chris when we were in Oldtowne Alexandria.
-Seconds later, Chris ran a stop sign and almost ran into the side of a car. Yes i pressed the imaginary break on the passenger side, it did not help. i freaked out. its funny now.
-I just want to point out that each one of us has run something. And i'm the only one said to have gone burserk. but hey i wouldn't be me if i didn't freak out, i can get away with it because i'm short.
-Thai food in Oldtowne!!! Yummy!
-Aaron:"You were right, that stuff is spicy." Me:"Oh, that's mine.. try Chris's, it's a lot spicier." Aaron:::insert tears of pain here followed by a use of the Lord's name in vain::
-"Maybe your CD player is racist."~Chris
-"That's because you're AARON SINGLETERRY!" ~Too many people have said this to count, but it's funny every time.
-"Oh, He's Aaron Singleterry, he's allowed to be late" ~Again, lots of people... and he still can't come up with a comeback =p
-"You're not conceited, so we're being conceited for you!"~Me, to Aaron.
-"She was crying so much that she got a salt deficiency!" ~Chris
-"I stick my tounge out when the guy's on top.."~Chris..relax, he's talking about wrestling
-"Man, now i'm hurt AND gay" ~Chris, talking about when i took a picture of him and his finger that he sliced.
-Me: "Chris, You should have been in drama." Chris: "Yea, i coulda played a tree!" Me: "You could have played a banana!" Chris:"-sarcastically- Yea because bananas grow on trees...::thinks:: wait... bananas DO grow on trees..."
-"Look at you, you're in Pre-Med and you can't even stack chairs..."~Mr. Hyder to Chris
-Chris beat Aaron at Chess... TWICE! and won a trophy for it! which he left at my house.
-Dance Revolution! My mom, Aaron, and I looked retarded doing it, but it was fun. Chris is almost the Dance Revolution master! well compared to the three of us he's the Dance Revolution god.. next time we play maybe TIFFANY could join us, hmm? hehe..j/k i know you wanted to be there.
-while doing Dance Revolution, "Ooo, Megan, pick the hard one!!...she's going to freak out and it's going to be great!"~Aaron.. well i didn't freak out thank you very much! so HA!
-Trivial Pursuit and all the frekkin baseball questions...
-Mr. Aaron "It's Academic" Singleterry couldn't get any of his questions correct! it was getting so late that we changed the game to be "game's over when Aaron gets one right" hahah.. took an hour and a half till he got one.
-Trivial Pursuit question to Aaron: What pop singer recently wrote a book titled "Blackbird Lyrics and Poems"? (or something like that i can't remember exactly) Chris: Well they're certainly not white... Aaron: Uhm...Nelly? Trivial Pursuit answer: Paul McCartney Aaron: ...they don't come much whiter then Paul McCartney...
-"Megan, you should add this to that memories website" ~Chris
-Aaron freaking out about how childish the "learning activities" were.
-"I look like Vin Diesel!!" ~Chris
-"I just wanna shoot people..." ~Aaron, gone bad...
-Wrestling matches at 4 in the morning.. i'm waiting for my rematch, Aaron!
-The most intense game of Spades i have ever participated in, it went into Double Overtime! We started around 5AM and didn't finish until 7:57AM (i know the exact time, haha) and might i add that...CHRIS AND I WON! WOO! haha..
-" Just once, can we figure out what we've been doing wrong... Man i wish i knew the rest of the words..." ~Chris
BUSCH GARDENS!!! and WaterCountry USA
-Apparently I am a jerky driver. Thanks for telling me sooner, guys...Jeebus. I'm going to find a support group and join, WJA.. Wheel Jerkers Anonymous. maybe i'll get better.
-Chris had a good quote about my cookies, but i can't remember it word for word, something about clogging arteries or something. yay for butter! woo!
-Chris and Aaron stealing spoons from 7-11 at some late hour.
-Me, giving John crap all night, whom I had just met. Not something I normally do to people I first meet, but dangit he earned it when he made the shower comment.
Hey, Pictures, WOO!
Happy 18th Birthday to Tiffany, who got scared by Aaron the Clown in 8th period AP Lit. That was one of the funniest things ever.
By Golly, it's an Aaronguin! no wait, thats just Aaron with his head on a penguin's body, no cause for alarm. hehehehe.
Yum yum yum, Ethiopian food! Eat that chicken, Chris!
That's not a boy, that's me. Aaron's not the only one who can look stupid in pictures.

Well.. yea, that's all i got kids.. so i hope you enjoyed it!! I love ya'll, we have some great times :) If i forgot something (i know i must have) then tell me so i can add it. And i'm going to start bringing a pad of paper with me whereever i'm with ya'll so i can document our memories..because i hate when something funny happens and then i forget about it (i'll probably forget the paper though). Anyway, one thing to add, this is for Tiffany, 143 FOREVER BABY! (143 was our bus number on the WVA trip if you remember...hehehe..). And i'm done. see ya'll later! P.S. SIGN THE GUESTBOOK! :)