The macks and pimps are similar in some ways but for the most part pimps are macks who have gone astray to lustful desires. In star wars terms, "A mack is the Jedi Knight, a pimp is the dark side of the force." A mack uses all his powers for the good of himself and the good of his chosen female. A mack studies the female he picks out, learning as much about her as he possibly can it makes "The vibe" that much more effective.

The pimp is much different. Where the Mack will only "Mack" on one girl at a time, the Pimp will have many girls at one time, for he has fallen victim to the lusts and greed of his heart. The Pimp does not put effort or emotion into any one of his girls but instead uses strict protocol standards for each girl, telling them all the same things which have little truth. The pimp fakes emotions.
Many girls fall victim to the ways of the Pimp, many completely unaware, however some girls find comfort in the cold, unemotional ways of the pimp. We call these girls "Ho's". Content to fall to someone with no emotional attatchment for them.

You may be asking, what exactly is "The Vibe". Well once again we'll bring it back to the Star Wars terms. Assuming that there is a Mack (the Jedi Knight) and there is a Pimp (An evil Jedi) Then "The Vibe" is what would be known as "the force". "The Vibe" is a special force that can only be harnessed by those who understand its secrets. The wiser and more powerful the Mack in his ways, the more he can use "The Vibe".