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Forsake All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here

My Current Pages


My Info

My RPG Stuff

RPG Characters and misc.

The Good Stuff

Plan Impending Doom 2

Invader Zim


Quotes of the Day:

"If Stupidity got us into this mess, then why can't
it get us out?" - Will Rogers (1879-1935)

"The backbone of surprise is fusing speed with
secrecy." - Von Clausewitz (1780-1831)

"Democracy does not guarantee equality of conditions
- it only guarantees equality of opportunity." - Irving Kristol

"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit
upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin
slitting throats." - Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)

"To truly begin living in happiness, you must
first live in misery." - Dustin Petkau (1984-Present)


I have made my new characters page and its up,
check it out. I am also working on an
anti-boy/corporate band page and there are various
other ideas in the works.
I've improved on the nav, spiced up the rest with
graphics and made it all come from one central page.
Damn I'm a genius, ah yes, one more thing.
Potatoe. That is all.
My Info will be up as soon as I get around to
actually have time to do so, for now there is
contact info only. This page is constantly under
construction so bear with me, thank you.

ps I would have put "Back/Home" Links on every page
if I had not set the links to open new windows.

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