Manikin Head Hunters

OK, we are all musical elitests, you can understand that much i'm sure. Most of our songs are based on hate of things, but there are a few where we vomit up other emotions too. but you'll just have to hear it. When we put out our cd we will post web links to the music so you guys can down load it. *****WHAT WE STAND FOR***** We stand for good music(PUNK MOSTLY), good fights during good music, and music that means something, not "oh that girl was too good for me"(EMO), we address real emotions that aren't so wimpy and we stand against un-genuine things, fake things if you will ((eg Maniquins=Manikins,get the name?))************************************ **************If you are ever in the syracuse area in centrel NY check the other half of our website for shows. I promise, if you stand for what we stand for, or if you like good live music with good crowed movment you'll love us ************************And if you have a band and are interested in playing with us at shows e-mail us and we'll work something out. we'll keep writting and working, but the real job is in you, listen to the classics like Misfits and Ramones and Exploited, not sum 41 and blink 182. But most importantly, I really want a girlfreind so seriously, we need some more groupies. ;) sincerly -Grim Tim, MHH

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