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Mandas' site
Monday, 19 January 2004
The harmful effects of school bags
Since the beginning of time, parents have been trying to protect their children from any possible harm. "Tie your shoes," they say, "wear a helmet on your bike, put your coat on when it's cold.” The constant nagging never stops. Parents have succeeded to protect their children from any possible danger, until now. They have forgotten the one danger that lurks behind their children everyday. That follows them to school, and comes back home with them at night. They've neglected to protect their children from the very thing they purchase every September at the beginning of the school year, their school bags. One of the greatest sources of potential injury which often goes unnoticed is the school backpack. According to a report in NewsWise, the average school bag children carry everyday causes pain and fatigue to as many as 50 per cent of children. A study conducted by the American Physical Therapy Association has found that more than 50 per cent of children surveyed carry backpacks heavier than 15 per cent of their body weight. Dr. Avrom Gart, a Medical Director at the Cedars-Sinai Institute for Spinal Disorders, says, "Children carrying this kind of weight can develop serious back pain and other problems that can require treatment," "To manage the load, children sometimes arch their backs or lean forward, causing them to develop poor posture as they grow." Children who wear thier backpack on one shoulder can also have harmful effects. This causes the child to lean to one side to compensate for the extra weight. This causes an asymmetrical spine, back pain, and a strained shoulder and neck. Although despite their negative effects on children, school bags are safer then satchels or briefcases because they distribute weight evenly across the body and are supported by the back and abdominal muscles. Dr. Gart says, "If you notice that one of your child's shoulder blades is not moving or not symmetrical, a doctor should be consulted immediately," Doctors have come up with some tips on how to protect your children from their school bags. They are: 1. Wear no more than 15 per cent of your body weight. 2. Keep backpack use limited to necessities only. 3. Use both straps. 4. Recognize signs that the backpack is too heavy. 5. Select the proper backpack. 6. Pick up the backpack properly. "Kids and parents alike need to remember that while backpacks are a great tool to carry and keep track of items children need for school, they must be used properly to avoid injuries," says Dr Gart. Doctors may have their professional opinions on how to prevent children from suffering the dangerous effects of school bags, although, we have a much simpler and more effective method. To all the teachers out there who pack their students with homework every night, CUT DOWN ON THE WORK LOAD!!! If not for us, do it for the children!!

Posted by freak2/mandas at 5:58 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 19 January 2004 6:04 PM EST
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