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†Sarah's Site†

Favorite bands (No specific order)

My Favorite Web Sites

This Is a Cry For Help

Hey. Well, let's see. Let me introduce myself. My name is Sarah A. I live in shithole New Brunswick, Canada. I'm 16 years old and uhmm...stuff..I'm probably one of the most sarcastic people you'll ever meet. Uhmm..I have 2 sisters and a brother...But they don't matter. I love music. Good music that is. I DO NOT like rap, country or any of that type of shitty ass music. I'm in a band called Dismantled Fire....for now anyway. Were coming up with new names. Considering that one was made in about 10 seconds. lol. Anyway, I feel like naming off some of my...friends that go to my school...(Yes, I do have internet buddies. lol) Let's see here...Tonya (I got something on my shoe, hah!), Sarina (LYLAS), Richie (I guess), Joel, Dave (stop calling me blackey!!), Sara M(Onion), Kasyndra, Devon, Cassandra, Andrew (My new friend..), am a loser. -thinks hard- o0o! Sara (aka Gothic Sara), yeah, I guess that's all the people I want to include in this section... Okay, no for my internet buddies...Andy, Kari...I don't feel like writing anymore people...I'll get back to it later. Until then...Riiiight. I don't know what to write. I don't even know why I'm making this. But yeah....Uhm...This is all that i'm gonna do now.
