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This roleplay layout and all the layout graphics were made for wDw's Seven by Babs (wDw's Lita). Please do not steal this layout. If you need a layout of your own, contact Babs ( and she will be more than happy to hook you up.

[[ Foreword ]]

In the past few days there has been a big feud going on between two of the youngest men here in the WDW as well as probaly the biigest Dave Batista and Seven. But all that the fans know so far is that this feud may go on for awhile and it is probaly going to be one mess, so this Monday we should be seeing more of this to continue.

[[ Scene One | "At A Cemetary" ]]

Location: Where Batista Will Be Layed To Rest
Date: 06.08.2003; 8:00 PM EDT

::: The scene opens up into a vary dark cemetary wheere you can here alot of weird sounds in the darkness of the night and it is not a place where any normal kindof person would be. But then all of a sudden you see a girls and a guy kneeing down and seems that tey are looking at a tombstone and as the cameras get in closer you see who it is and it is none other then Seven and Belladonna. The cameras then gets a close up of there face as it seems as if they are smileing and then the camera shows the tombstone and written on it says "Here Lies Dave Batista January 18 1969 to ???. Then Seven turns and faces the cameras where he begins to talk. :::

+| Seven |+ You see i know what you are all thinking and that is why would there be a tombstone here with the name of a guy we all know that is still alive.? Well the reason is because after me and Batista have are match here in the WDW there will be no more of him cause he has fucked up and what i mean by that is you never and i mean never try to attack me and two you never make a threat to me and he should know that. So Batista i heard the comments that you had to say about me and i heard that you are ready for are match anywhere and anytime and i mean i have been waiting for awhile to step in the ring with you ever since the OVW where you turned your back on us demons of the night. So i have decided that me and you will have this match and i thought what would be a better place then have one hell of a match like this at a Pay Per View and i thought how about we make it a match that noone will ever forget a match that will go down in history and the first thing that came to my mind was a match right here in a cemetary. Thats right a cemetary match between me and and there will be no rules and there will be noone to stop us and if you dont know how the match works there will be two graves dug with each of are names on it and whoever gets thrown in there grave first loses, but that is not it because if you do lose to me Batista you will have no other choice then to come join me and Belladonna in the world of hell. So Batista you better think hard about this match cause if Vince does let it go through then it could be the end of you and it could be a whole new world aswell.

+| Belladonna |+ Hey Seven there is something i need to say and it is something that has been on my mind ever since that pussy tryed to attack you at the arena. And what has been on my mind is since you will have a dark mtch probaly next week how about Batista has to go find himself a partner of his choice and i dont care if it is a boy or a girls here in the WDW and he will step foot in the ring with me,you himself and the partner of his choice. Cause Batista i heard that you would kick my gothic ass if i wasnt mistakeing and i am not some bitch that will let some oversized man like you run there mouth to me. So Batista hunny you will have your chance if you really want and we can see if you really have the balls like you think that you do.

+| Seven |+ That sounds like a vary good idea to me my little devil. But i think we should make the match a little more fun and what i mean by that is how about there me no rules and everything goes cause after him threating you and trying to attack me well that does not happen. So Batista if you here me get ready because you are on one hell of a ride and it is not a fun ride i can tell you that. Now i know you all think that my mind is just on Batista and i know that is all he is thinking about. But you see i also have more on my mind aswell and it is what title belt do i plan on getting and only time will tell that and you see im a man who can wait and i will cause i will one day hold gold and i will be the one that everyone in the world of wrestlings bows down to and calls me GOD.!!!

::: Seven and Belladonna turn back to the grave where they just smile as they look at it. Then the cameras fade out kindof slow so you can see how weird they are then a commercial break begins. :::

[[ End Transmission ]]