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.;*People Used*;. .;*People Mentioned*;. .;*OOC*;. .;*Win/Loss*;.


Match Type

The Following Material is a Roleplay Written by ME dont steal my shit ,
.::(Disclaimer End)::.

..:: Scene One ::..

As the scene opens we see Loki, Lexi, Bones, and Lil Poot standing around their locker room. They are pretty much just bullshittin with Poot since they havent seen him in awhile. Trying to find out what the doctors have told hima bout his arm and what not. The room is amazingly clean. No games,or toys around the place. Not even any drawings on the walls.Nothing out of the ordinary. Bones and Poot have their big hoodies on, and black pants, and poot has a blue cast on covering his right arm. Loki and Lexi are in their reg. duds. Suddenly while they are all standing around a knock hits the door. Lexi walks over and answers it. A short balding skinny man is standing there. He has on a green polo shirt, and khaki pants on. Lexi looks at him a lil confused as the man stammers out words.

Man: Dark Carnival right...we just got word your car is being totaled.

Lexi: Ummmmm okay(she shuts the door) Turn on the monitor guys something funny is happeneing.

Bones: What you mean, Lok hit it on.

Loki turns the monitor on showing Da Mouse wrecking a sapposed "car of Lokis". The whole room starts laughin hysterically as they watch Mouse beating the hell outta this car and what not.

Loki: Oh oh this is classic stuff...oh man...I cant believe this...What a tool

Bones: Yea he is

Lexi: The fact that he even thinks Loki has a car is great, especially since he cant even drive.

Poot: Nah shit I mean Lexi your the only one who can drive good around here and you dont even have a car.

Id totally be giving this kid creative points but we already did this car trashing prank idea. But ya know maybe he gets hit around too much so he didnt remember.

Bones: Ahh man look at him go

Loki: Shit ya know mouseyboy you may be able to beat up fans and cars but thats just cuz they dont fight back. Ya see when you and me step into the ring. Thats going to be another story. Because you'll be having to actually put up a fight. Not just beating up senseless objects that makes you feel better about yourself. If ya ask me its pretty pathetic. Your not intimidating me or anything your just making my tummy ache from laughin soo damn hard. I mean the fact that you think I drive is great. Especially that you think I would drive that piece of shit car. I mean come on man I got a perfectly good drive to drive my ass to and from my whereabouts I dont need my own car to pay for...Oh wait did I say too much are you going to go after my driver now too hahahhahahhahah FUCK YOU man. I mean come on everyone here seen what happens when the dark carnival tries to drive around themselves. We end up hitting our fat friends totalling our car and getting it towed. Not something we wanna do on a daily basis. But ya know what really cracks my shit up is the fact that you didnt get a good look at that car bro. And if im not mistaken I believe that that there car is known other than Syns car. And now as funny as that is Im pretty sure he'll be after your ass. Im just hoping he leaves me something left of you to meet up with at Riot.

Lexi: Well I guess that doesnt matter though cuz youve beaten him plenty of times anyways. So your gonna win either way.

Poot: Thats true Lok

Loki: Yea he may be a whatever time champ in whatever the hell fed he was in before but that dont impress me. These are just numbers in my eyes. Nonone cares. If those titles werent won here then they dont mean shit to any of us or any of our fans because we arent in that fed. We are in the XWF So at Riot bring your ass ready to get smacked down cuz lil man you aint winning this one.

Bones: Thats right Trick

Poot: Scrait up

The scene then fades as the Dark carnival continues to laugh at Mouse and mimmick him beating the hell outta this car.