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Will you come on this site again or die trying???
Hey there everyone. I'm not gonna give out my real name so let's just go by my "Alias" known as Living Angel.It's pretty ironic..I'm far from pure.First of all I'd like to welcome you to my site which would have gotten taken off cuz the band broke up but I'm just gonna change things round a bit.That Okay? Okay. There isn't much of a meaning for this site..except for after all my homeworks done I get bored..Yeah.If there are any requests feel free to email me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. If there are any complaints,keep them to yourself unless they're non-religion based. This is a site for all people of all faiths, though some of the items on it may be offensive.Have a good time and I hope you enjoy this.
Got a problem with it? Tough.

A few good links...or not..

Gory, bloody, everything that I like.
Do you feel bored?
Do you feel stupid?
Wanna get Scared?
Hee Hee Hee..
Wouldnt click here if I were you....
Wanna see My favorite Pictures??
More Pics..Can you bare to see it all??
