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Sunday, June 22, 2003 - *Yawns*

Mood: Exhausted
Listening to: The T.V. in the background
Drinking: Diet Pepsi
Eating: Nothing

Yay! I put up a new layout for the relase of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoneix! It comes out tomorrow! I'm so excited! : D  Yet, I have not pre-ordered yet. I probably should go do that...

Now, the music is more optional for those who don't want to listen to my music. Sorry if I listen to "emo" music. ; ) 

Umm, last night we got TPed. It wasn't too bad. It could have been worse. ; )  Well, my parents went to go to my aunt and uncle's house, so my brother and I stayed home. My mom left at around 6 PMish, and my dad left at around 8 PMish. When my dad pulled out, it was all clean. My brother and I pretty much just stayed in the house. We didn't hear or see anything. Kind of strange actually. I could have seen it like 5 times, but never did. Anyways, my parents got home and they are like, "Kevin! Brandon! Get out here now!" We went outside and we saw toilet paper all over our trees. Even the ones taller than our house! Then, there were rubber bands all over our drive way (mine to keep now), and there was shredded paper all over our lawn. We cleaned most of it up that night (at like 12 AM!). It could have been worse I guess. I don't think there was a "target" to the TPing, but I think it's just some random people (or friends) that did it as a joke.