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“...hey baby, you really got me in a spin...I’ve found love, so don’t fight it...Life is a rollercoaster, just gotta ride it... “
‘Hey! It’s 1:30pm and you’re listening to...’

He opens his eyes and lies in bed, staring at the white ceiling.
It’s so plain, so empty, he’d never noticed that before.
The birds outside sing their happy tune, announcing a brand new day. The light of the late evening sun shines through the dark shades. The light bounces off the walls, revealing its dark purple tone.
I just wanna lie like this forever.
‘And here’s a GREAT new song from Santana and Michelle Branch!’ {music plays} “ started with a kiss and now we’re up to’s all in the game of whatever you make it to be, sunshine set on this sad lonely sea...”
It’s 3:45 in the afternoon. It’s a beautiful day...’

He slowly gets up from his bed and pulls his shades. The shades quickly roll up, causing the afternoon sun to flood into his room. He covers his eyes from the sudden rush of light to his raw, dark ridden eyes. Outside’s so beautiful. The birds glide about in the bright sky. The sound of laughter from children can be heard. Why can’t I be like that?
The children outside run about, playing hide and seek. I remember playing that game. I was the best in hiding, no one was able to find me.
He slowly turns away from the window and looks around in his room. He sees a stuffed bear by his pillow. He gives a little smile but quickly wipes it away.
Why? I thought you cared about me.
He returns to his bed and falls upon it. He stares at the ceiling again. No one will notice if I lied here all day. No one would care.
He turns around and sees the bear in front of him. He lifts his hand and gently caresses the stuffed bear with his fingers. His hand moves along the bear’s fur, appreciating the warmth and softness of the doll. I love you. I’d never hurt you. So why didn’t you feel the same?
A tear falls from his eyes. The soft fur of the bear must have made him a bit emotional.
He’s transfixed to the bear, his hands, still stroking the bear. Tears slowly fall from his eyes. I love you, how could you do this to me?
“ are my world. We’re together, forever...It was love at first sight...”

how could you do this to me? I love you........
how could you do this to me? I love you........
how could you do this to me? I love you ........
how could you do this to me? I love you........
how could you do this to me? I love you........
how could you do this to me? I loved you...

He moves his hand away from the bear and brings his hands to his eyes. His hands dam out the salt-like liquid dripping through. He pushes himself up from his bed and stands. Slowly, he reaches for the bear. I love you.
He picks it up. I love you.
A shoebox lied deep in his dark closet. It was a large, rectangle box. The outer cover presented a picture of the forest. A forest with trees, flowers, animals; the earth not yet tainted by man.
He takes the shoebox away from where it had silently laid. I love you.
He opens the empty shoebox. I love you.
He turns his attention to his other hand. I love you There, the bear stared. I loved you.
He gently places the bear in the box. Closes it. Puts the box back into the deep clothe-entangled closet.
He puts on his clothes and walks out of his magnificent magenta room.
He steps outside. His starry eyes widen as the sunlight shines upon him.
He smiles.