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September 29, 2003.
NEW SITE!!! It kicks so much ass...I love it. Sissie made me the layout. It's pretty good. So anyway...what to blog about? I dunno really...Sissie is trying to hook me up with this guy named Andrew. I dunno what to do about it all! I mean I like him and everything but I really want to get to know him better and Sissie keeps on trying to rush me into things. Who knows. She's psycho lord only knows the fuck she's gonna do if this doesn't work out lol! But then again there's this guy Matt. I am MADLY in love with this dude! I don't think anyone understands, really. So what should I do? I dunno...I'm out for now though...c-ya! :Blaze

&! Twizted Teen

Lauren. Blaze. Maryland. Dummer. <3 Joel Madden. Good Charlotte. Made. Freshy c/o '07

&! Layout

This layout is obviously featuring Benji Madden of Good Charlotte. I would like to thank Sissie for helping me out with it. Thanks!

&! Site

This site was started on September 9th, 2003. It's just a personal blog site for now. Maybe later on I will add some photos and everything. But for now, it's just a way for me to express my opinion. So enjoy!

&! Admired

Let me even see a fucking e-mail that asks to be on here. You will be on my wall of shame faster than you can say "Benjabitch" Get it, got it, good! Ok so here are a few people who I admire:

&! Hottie Alert

This is pretty self explanitory...

&! Disclaimer

All graphics on this site is © Amanda L Brown 2003-2004 and all wording is © Lauren S Stivers DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT steal mah shit.