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DaNi~Wicked And Twisted~Smith

Cool Things about my friends...

hey, im now talking about the Ontario Community Council on Impared Driving (OCCID). Just today i did some volunteer work. I had to stand in front of a Beer store (lol)handing out free stuff to people and asking them to donate their empty beer bottles and cans. While doing this i learned one fact...there are alot..i mean ALOT of losers here in Woodstock! i asked one guy to donate and he said " no...these here bottles are getting my hydro back!" he was cashing in his bottles for hydro! does this guy not have a job? i felt sorta bad for the guy...actually, not really. Another good one was when this guy came riding his bike, which in fact was so old and to worn down i was afraid it was goin to fall apart, and rode away with a case of 6. Shouldnt he maybe save his beer money for a car?...or at least a better bike!? LOL theres more! One guy came riding in the lot on a lawnmower. ive seen him on the roads before. Him and his lawnmower are a laughing stock of the city if you ask me. get a real car..or at least a bike like the other guy! there were also beat up old junk cars that came in, ppl missing teeth (ew!) and cars that i couldnt believed even ran. All the losers coming in to get beer. Now, im not going to say everyone i saw were losers..cuz they werent. Some were very polite when they said no to us. SOme were ruder then hell. Some who seemed to have nothing of value and looked like they needed some money fast gave us a small amount..cashed in the rest. Being polite. But the most ignorant person i saw today was these to guys. They came speeding in the parking lot. Im the back of the truck were at least 100 bucks in bottles. You get 10 cents a do the math! their whole back of the truck was full. It was alot. At least 25 cases of 24's. Guess how much they donated...none. I understand some people saying no but when you have that much its just plain rude. ANyways i g2g. L8er G8er!!!!!!!!
