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Greek Mythology

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In Greek mythology, Sirens are part human, part bird. The Sirens lived on Sirenun Scopuli island which was actually three rocky islands. They sang melodies so beautiful that any sailors passing by couldn't resist getting closer to them. Following the sound of music, the sailors would steer their boats towards them or jump in the water to get closer. Either way, it always ended in disaster on the rocks.

The three Sirens in Greek Mythology were Pisinoe, Aglaope and Thelxiepi, all daughters of the storm god, Achelous. One of them played the lyre, one played the flute and another one sang.

There are only two stories of men resisting the Sirens. In the story Odyssey, Odysseus ordered his men to put beeswax in their ears so they couldn't hear the music as they sailed by. His men tied Odysseus to the ship's mast so he could hear the enchanting tunes but wouldn't be able to swim ashore.

Jason and the Argonauts were also saved because they had Orpheus, (a talented musician) on board with them. He played music that was even more beautiful. The men hardly heard the sound of the Sirens.

If you've seen O Brother, Where Art Thou?, you'll have heard the enchanting music of some Sirens. If you haven't seen the movie, strap yourself in and turn up the volume if you rent it!