The Chronicals

Welcome to The Chronicals. For those times when no one seems to be online and you just need something to get you off, here will lay an endless suply of steamy stories not only by me, Lai, but by anyone who wishes to submit one. Follow the links below to your chosen destination.

The picture to the left is as close to Lai and Jar as I could find, I couldn't change her hair black to match Lai's though. Either way, I just love it to death because I think it's beautiful, lol.

Latests News:

12 / 23 / 03
Hey, a new update in the space of 3 days! I'm on a roll ^_~ Anywho, new story up submited by my most favorite RP buddy Mei Mei :D Go check it out!

The Stories
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Rei-chan's Site
Cumming Death

|Web Mistress: Lai|

*All stories posted here belong solely to their authors and should not be used without their permission.

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