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Ramblings and Shout Outs

ok ok i had SUCH a good time at the party just to let you all know i had the freatest day hangin out with you and getting to swim in the river!! woo hoo that was fun! THANKS FOR COMING and a special thansk to those who brought things like food cds bug spray etc. lol cause u didnt have to but it was nice!

yeah well i should prob start with my shouts out....

COLLEEN! hey i had soo much fun with u in chautauqua playing bored games all night even if u do makethem pretty intense, fishing even though u didnt catch ne thing lol, PADDLE BOATING with the freaky deaky birds which were bats lol plus like a million other things! i cant wait to do it again! yeah well later days ~Hamster/Champ hahah even though i refuse to believe that i am the champ u sicko

ELISE! hey hows my partner in crime doing!?! amandas party was really fun and it was awesome to hang out with u even though we didnt get to premire our dance lol we were the best scavenger hunters

AMANDA! No MORE DOGGIE DRIZZLE FO SHIZLE MY NIZLE! lol ur party was fun especially the scavenger hunt

PETER! ok im sooo happy for you and mary and im even happier to have the old fun to b around peter.. YIPEE! but no matter what u will still always b my wonder twin! that whole fight thing REALLY sucked i never want to do that ever again

CHRISTOPHER ROBIN! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! u are the greatest! the movies was great now i cant wait to kiss you again lol

MARY! im glad that we kinda fixed things up a bit and i hope that everything goes great with u and peter

SPENCER! ur coming back! u better b at school on monday! seriously

MUDGE! CURB WALKING.... even though thats NOT a good thing but hey hey ur sure good at it lol

KAYLA! i dont need to b a boy scout ne more but we can go scouting for you! even though it wont b that hard since u always have a new person to like

ok there are alot more that i want to give shout outs too so for right now im just gunna name them so no one feels left out... Georgie, Aimee, Mary, Sammy, Anthony, Tori, Ronnie,David, Victor,Kelsey, Jessica, Kelly, Collin, Parker, Catlin, Cory, Corey, Megan... ok im pretty sure thats all I LUV YA ALL!
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