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War with IRAQ
 Iraq News

I believe that we should go to war with Iraq...

      US Secretary of State Colin Powell is to present the American case against Iraq to the UN Security Council on Wednesday, 5 February. Satellite photographs of Iraqis moving equipment from sites in advance of inspections are said to be among the evidence to be on display. Analysts say the reaction he receives at the Council is likely to determine whether or not the US seeks a new resolution on disarming Iraq or embarks on military action on the basis of existing resolutions. However, his presentation may be overshadowed by a leaked British intelligence document that suggests there are no current links between the Iraqi regime and the al-Qaeda network.

    The UN inspectors are almost positive that Iraq has hidden the weapons of mass destruction in about three trucks that were parked outside earlier, then drove away.

This is a picture of Colin 
Powell (left) and President George Bush (right).

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