With my vast amount of HTML knowledge *snorts* I coudln't get the piccies up on LJ, so you'll just have to live with this ^_^.

This is my family at the Sponge Docks last winter. Who just WHO is that mysterious girl standing in the picture *ponders*. BTW, paint program SUCKS when it comes to sizing down images.

This is my kitty max. He loves Jell-o and he will annoy you until you get some from him. If you are eating it, he will knock the spoon from your hands and try to get the Jell-o for himself. He's a Jell-o pirate.

This is Max and Baby fighting...unless it's some sort of weird mating ritual that I don't understand...they fight a LOT. And they knock baskets and stuff over and leave mess and destruction every where they go...

Due to my HIGHLY gifted decortating talents, my room is spiffy. I put everything on the walls because I hate the color, and it looks cool. When people stay over at my house it also freaks them out when they try to sleep (especially when they wake up only to see Beji's spiked hair and my pictures of Kijin. Quite fun.

I take too many pictures ^_^

This is Baby. He sits next to the computer and writes me notes all the time. This note says "Kneazle" on it.

This was taken the night Baby got posessed. He slept like a...baby that night. *fake cry*

And that's it ^_^

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