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More pictures to annoy you with!!
D'accord mes personnes. Voila ma photographs.

Le photo premier:

Voila ma chat "Baby". /french. anyway, I dressed my cat Baby up on halloween. As you can see, he really didn't take to the whole idea very kindly. But he's really a magical kitty who can do spells. He turns chicken into tuna!

The very reason why I should NOT be allowed to wrap anything for christmas. All I wanted to do was wrap my mom's "mulling spice" took me 20 minutes and all that I got was something in the range of a Bugerking's "Wopper" wrapping.

The same mess, just from a different angle.

you know you're near Gainesville when u start seeing 1,000 of these signs every mile you pass. And's a naughty store. The signs are funny, though. Free showers for truckers...

This is baby this morning. He was laying on my bed like this...and it was odd. It's like he's coming onto me or something. Or he's practicing for a picture shoot in a dirty magazine. I think that it is his dream

These are my cats. If you can't tell, Max is the head of the house, followed by baby, his servant. Baby has a tendancy to fall between chairs in our kitchen, as so. I had to pull him out of there after taking the picture.

...I'm so proud of my father and his fashion sense...can we say blackmail? For those who know my can't imagine him holding a yeah, enjoy.

Death due to tacky sweater asphyxiation. He's alive...just sleeping. Max is lazy like that. He has a strange attraction to my mom's clothes.

My first over solely carved pumpkin. Doesn't he look like he'd just gnaw you to death with his one big tooth?

And this is a sandwich I once made :-D