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.: KIMI :.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Megan makes Hot Chocolate

This is Miss Megan... she was helping make our Tank pretty and fortified before they entered in the gauntlet of water balloons and flour. Our team was called the Green Pandas and we were paired up with the Central Plano guys. It was fun that I only had to take pictures while the kids got covered in a floury paste. :)

Fighting Ninjas

I realize that I look like Shrek. But this was a fun game of hide and seek. Unforunately, the kids never found us leaders... just means that we are the best Ninjas EVER! Although I think that the makeup really helped in camo. Yeah West Plano!

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Camp Eagle baby!

If I ever had doubts that I'm supposed to go to Plano West WyldLife for my Young Life internship... those doubts are gone! :) We had such an awesome week at Camp Eagle in Rock Springs, TX last week. Thanks for all of the prayers - God certainly answered them because all four of my girls accepted Christ (a couple were more recommitments) on June 10 or 11th. The Holy Spirit was certainly working and some truly awesome things happened, even in my own heart. It was amazing. And as soon as I get my computer back, I will post some pictures and some stories. I am so excited about Plano West WyldLife - I can't even begin to tell you! :)

Have you ever tried audio blogger?

this is an audio post - click to play

So I guess you can make post that are audio files ... which is pretty sweet if you are out of town. Unfortunately I didn't know this last week when I went to camp, otherwise I would have kept ya'll up to date! But we have it now! Rock on!