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Wednesday, 18 June 2003

All I Hear Is Buzzing...
People talk to me and I dont even know it anymore... I choose not to listen to people because of what they talk about. Living the one of the top wealthiest towns on Connecticut, they have the nerve to complain about not having enough. How someone can complain that they didnt have the money THAT SECOND to buy a flat screen wide ass TV, I shall never know. But what I can tell you, is that its rediculous. The human species has to be the worst ones to read. Animals make more sense than people. Animals dont complain, animals dont yell, animals except things as their conditions are. They adapt. Something that people dont do well. Im not saying that all people are like this, but the majority of them are. And its rather annoying on my part to have to listen to them bitch about what they dont have instead of being greatful with what they do. Every year, a group of Africans from poverish areas visit our school and the looks on their faces when we give them tokens of appreciation is one of the happiest moments I can say ive experienced. They dont complain, they are SO greatful for even being in the United States. Its nice to know that theyre are people out there that dont complain. Sure, Ive complained much in the past, but over the past week, Ive grown up and taken my own theory into consideration. Therfor... The discussion on Punkism will start after this post... Discuss.

Posted by freak2/kickmeshoeboy at 9:18 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 18 June 2003 9:19 PM EDT
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Welcome, My Infinite Minions!
Well, as you most know me, I have a "little issue" with posers and wanna-be's...*Fumes*. So, I decided to build a webpage kind of thing just to type what I think and so you can type what you think about what I think... Is it just me, or is that confusing...? Indeed, its confusing. Anyways. Ill have my first entry up VERY soon. <3 Colleen

Posted by freak2/kickmeshoeboy at 6:14 AM EDT
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